Topological translation details

Original brain regionOriginal nomenclature Translated brain regionTranslated nomenclatureTopological relation AnnotationReferenceCollator
Lateral column of the posterior part of the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTMPl)de Olmos - 1995Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division transverse nucleus (BSTtr)Swanson-1992overlap Ju and Swanson (1989), Ju et al. (1989), and Swanson (1992) also include a transverse nucleus (Tr) within the posterior bed nucleus...this appears to cross our lateral and intermediate columns. Collator note: this relationship appears described in text, but is not listed in Table V.A. It is however listed in Fig.2, Dong et al., 2001.The rat nervous systemMihail Bota