Inferred network

R(Retina) → SCH(Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
SCH(Suprachiasmatic nucleus) → BST(Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis)
BST(Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis) → LSc(Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part)
LSc(Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part) → LHA(Lateral hypothalamic area)

Support information about direct projections from Retina to Suprachiasmatic nucleus:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
RetinaSuprachiasmatic nucleus strongnot knownCholera toxin conjugated to HRP
Case pg307-308, fig12. Soma notes 2 adult male hooded rats and 5 adult male albino rats were used. each received an injection of CT-HRP into the posterior chamber of the eye.. Terminal notes retinohypothalamic tract 3 components: 1) largest is innervation of SCN. Rostral SCN: a very dense band of terminals at border of SCN and optic chiasm, Mid SCN: most of component of nuc filled with dense terminal plexus, remainder less dense.
Johnson RF, Morin LP, Moore RY., 1988
RetinaSuprachiasmatic nucleus strongnot knownCholera toxin conjugated to HRP
Case pg348,349-50, fi3,6. Soma notes 36 female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-350g. 10 microliters of CT-HRP(.20%-.40%) were injected into one eye behind the lens into the vitreous chamber of the eye. pressure injection over 1 min. Terminal notes Medial component of the RHTa) inbtwn 2 SCNs under v3, b) ven. lat. to SCN, appear to cradle it high density of terminal labeling in and around SCN. ( parts of ros. SCN, venlat. dorlat. parts of cau. SCN.) dormed. subncl of SCN largely spared..
Levine JD, Weiss ML, Rosenwasser AM, Miselis RR., 1991
RetinaSuprachiasmatic nucleus moderate/strongnot knownautoradiography
Case pg3, fig1. Soma notes 30 animals used for autoradiography study. Each received 1 injection of either L-leucine-3H or L-proline-3H into the posterior chamber of one eye. Terminal notes The autoradiographic material provided substantial evidence for a retinohypothalamic tract. The hypothalamic nuclei themselves were free of labelling save for the suprachiasmatic nucleus, both ipsi and contra, especially in ventral 1/2.
Moore RY, Lenn NJ., 1972

Support information about direct projections from Suprachiasmatic nucleus to Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Suprachiasmatic nucleusBed nuclei of the stria terminalis lightnot knownPHAL
Case pg208, fig3G-I. Soma notes 3 PHA-L injs were virtually limited to the SCh, with less than 5% of labeled neurons outside boundaries of nucleus itself. Injs A7 & A54 tended to label cells in ventral part of nucleus, while inj A25 extended more dorsally. Terminal notes 2nd Pway. A small number of fibres were also observed in the ventral lateral septal nucleus, medial septal nucleus and caudal parts of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Strictly ipsi. Few clear terminal boutons were associated with this pathway..
Watts AG, Swanson LW, Sanchez-Watts G., 1987
Suprachiasmatic nucleusBed nuclei of the stria terminalis moderatenot knownPHAL
Case pg208,211, fig3G-I. Soma notes 3 PHA-L injs were virtually limited to the SCh, with less than 5% of labeled neurons outside boundaries of nucleus itself. Injs A7 & A54 tended to label cells in ventral part of nucleus, while inj A25 extended more dorsally. Terminal notes 3rd Pway. pathway courses ventrally to innervate the preoptic continuation of the bed nucelus as well as parataenial & paraventricular nuc of thalamus. In PT & PVT fibres are thin, widely spaced small varicosities and give rise to many terminal boutons..
Watts AG, Swanson LW, Sanchez-Watts G., 1987
Suprachiasmatic nucleusBed nuclei of the stria terminalis lightnot knownPHAL
Case pg208. Soma notes 3 PHA-L injs were virtually limited to the SCh, with less than 5% of labeled neurons outside boundaries of nucleus itself. Injs A7 & A54 tended to label cells in ventral part of nucleus, while inj A25 extended more dorsally. Terminal notes 2nd Pway. A relatively sparse projection to the septal region was detected: fibres course rostrally & dorsally through ?strial area. Few clear terminal boutons were associated with this pathway..
Watts AG, Swanson LW, Sanchez-Watts G., 1987
Suprachiasmatic nucleusBed nuclei of the stria terminalis existsnot knownPHAL
not mentioned
Watts AG, Swanson LW, Sanchez-Watts G., 1987

Support information about direct projections from Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis to Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Bed nuclei of the stria terminalisLateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part lightnot knownFluorogold
none provided
Risold P.Y., Swanson L.W., 1997

Support information about direct projections from Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part to Lateral hypothalamic area:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) partLateral hypothalamic area existsnot knownPHAL
clear terminal field in rostromedial pole
Risold P.Y., Swanson L.W., 1997