Inferred network

R(Retina) → SCH(Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
SCH(Suprachiasmatic nucleus) → AVPV(Anteroventral periventricular nucleus)
AVPV(Anteroventral periventricular nucleus) → MEA(Medial nucleus of the amygdala)
MEA(Medial nucleus of the amygdala) → LHA(Lateral hypothalamic area)

Support information about direct projections from Retina to Suprachiasmatic nucleus:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
RetinaSuprachiasmatic nucleus strongnot knownCholera toxin conjugated to HRP
Case pg307-308, fig12. Soma notes 2 adult male hooded rats and 5 adult male albino rats were used. each received an injection of CT-HRP into the posterior chamber of the eye.. Terminal notes retinohypothalamic tract 3 components: 1) largest is innervation of SCN. Rostral SCN: a very dense band of terminals at border of SCN and optic chiasm, Mid SCN: most of component of nuc filled with dense terminal plexus, remainder less dense.
Johnson RF, Morin LP, Moore RY., 1988
RetinaSuprachiasmatic nucleus strongnot knownCholera toxin conjugated to HRP
Case pg348,349-50, fi3,6. Soma notes 36 female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-350g. 10 microliters of CT-HRP(.20%-.40%) were injected into one eye behind the lens into the vitreous chamber of the eye. pressure injection over 1 min. Terminal notes Medial component of the RHTa) inbtwn 2 SCNs under v3, b) ven. lat. to SCN, appear to cradle it high density of terminal labeling in and around SCN. ( parts of ros. SCN, venlat. dorlat. parts of cau. SCN.) dormed. subncl of SCN largely spared..
Levine JD, Weiss ML, Rosenwasser AM, Miselis RR., 1991
RetinaSuprachiasmatic nucleus moderate/strongnot knownautoradiography
Case pg3, fig1. Soma notes 30 animals used for autoradiography study. Each received 1 injection of either L-leucine-3H or L-proline-3H into the posterior chamber of one eye. Terminal notes The autoradiographic material provided substantial evidence for a retinohypothalamic tract. The hypothalamic nuclei themselves were free of labelling save for the suprachiasmatic nucleus, both ipsi and contra, especially in ventral 1/2.
Moore RY, Lenn NJ., 1972

Support information about direct projections from Suprachiasmatic nucleus to Anteroventral periventricular nucleus:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Suprachiasmatic nucleusAnteroventral periventricular nucleus lightnot knownPHAL
Case pg208, fig3B. Soma notes 3 PHA-L injs were virtually limited to the SCh, with less than 5% of labeled neurons outside boundaries of nucleus itself. Injs A7 & A54 tended to label cells in ventral part of nucleus, while inj A25 extended more dorsally. Terminal notes 1st Pway. Some of most ros fibres enter anteroventral preoptic & anteroventral periventricular nucleus?Thick convoluted fibres (narrowly spaced varic) & thinner linear fibres (widely spaced varic). V few fibres branch/give rise to terminal boutons..
Watts AG, Swanson LW, Sanchez-Watts G., 1987

Support information about direct projections from Anteroventral periventricular nucleus to Medial nucleus of the amygdala:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Anteroventral periventricular nucleusMedial nucleus of the amygdala lightnot knownPHAL
Case pg231, fig12A,13A. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes not specified..
Simerly RB, Swanson LW., 1988

Support information about direct projections from Medial nucleus of the amygdala to Lateral hypothalamic area:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Medial nucleus of the amygdalaLateral hypothalamic area lightnot knownHRP/WGA
Case pg427, fig5. Soma notes not specified.. Terminal notes WGA-HRP inj into depressor sites, core of inj site in LHAp/LHAt/VTA/SN.
Allen GV, Cechetto DF., 1993