Inferred network

R(Retina) → IGL(Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex)
IGL(Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex) → SCH(Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
SCH(Suprachiasmatic nucleus) → LHA(Lateral hypothalamic area)

Support information about direct projections from Retina to Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
RetinaIntergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex very strongnot knownautoradiography
Case pg527-8, fig1,2. Soma notes 6 rats (3 albino and 3 hooded) were used. Intraocular injection of [3H]leucine. Terminal notes separate retinal projection to a group of cells lying btwn DGL and VGL rostrally?Cells (small, oval) receive a clear bilateral projection?contra somewhat larger that ipsi proj. Great deal of variability in size and loc of proj btwn animals. i/c overlaps..
Hickey TL, Spear PD., 1976
RetinaIntergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex existsnot knownautoradiography
Case pg100, fig1. Soma notes eye injections of 25microliters of [3H]leucine. Terminal notes We found a bilateral projection to the I.G.L..
Perry VH, Cowey A., 1979
RetinaIntergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex existsnot knownautoradiography
Case pg100, fig1. Soma notes eye injections of 25microliters of [3H]leucine. Terminal notes We found a bilateral projection to the I.G.L..
Perry VH, Cowey A., 1979

Support information about direct projections from Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex to Suprachiasmatic nucleus:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complexSuprachiasmatic nucleus lightnot knownPHAL
Case pg59. Soma notes PHA-L was injected iontophoretically into 35 adult male Wistar rats. Terminal notes Injections involving the intergeniculate leaflet gave rise to a substantial number of fibres to the hypothalamus. The fibres terminated primarily in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, mostly in the ipsilateral site.
Mikkelsen JD., 1990
Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complexSuprachiasmatic nucleus existsnot knownfluorescent tracers
Case pg404, 407, fig5. Soma notes following injections of Fluoro-Gold into IGL, there are labeled neurons in contralateral IGL, caudal thalamic reticular nucleus, SCN, & adjacent anterior hypothalamic area & retrochiasmatic area where relatively large numbers of neurons are present?. Terminal notes Injecting fluorescent tracer into either SCN (bilaterally) or IGL. 50-100nl of fluoro-gold injected stereotaxically (n=10).
Moore RY, Card JP., 1994
Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complexSuprachiasmatic nucleus moderatenot knownPHAL
Case pg958. Soma notes only PHA-L injections which involved the IGL resulted in labeling of fibres in the contralateral LGN. Injections centred in, or involving the IGL resulted in all cases in additional labeling of cells in the DLG or VLG, or both. Terminal notes 2 routes from inj site: 2) other group of fibres passing into op was followed in tract to optic chiasm?numerous fibers penetrated dorsally into the hypothalamus, in particular the SCN, but several fibres appear to LGN(c).
Mikkelsen JD, Panula P, Moller M., 1992

Support information about direct projections from Suprachiasmatic nucleus to Lateral hypothalamic area:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Suprachiasmatic nucleusLateral hypothalamic area light/moderatenot knownPHAL
Case pg208,212, fig3N. Soma notes 3 PHA-L injs were virtually limited to the SCh, with less than 5% of labeled neurons outside boundaries of nucleus itself. Injs A7 & A54 tended to label cells in ventral part of nucleus, while inj A25 extended more dorsally. Terminal notes 4th Pway. Very thin fibres occasionally turned dorsally to enter the lateral hypothalamic area although none are seen to run ventrally to enter the amygdala.
Watts AG, Swanson LW, Sanchez-Watts G., 1987