brain part

Details about SEP, strain C57BL/6.
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Hierarchy level in atlas Hof, version Hof et al.-2000 is 2: 1 superstructure includes it.

Major Subparts
Lateral septum complexgray matter
Medial septum complexgray matter
Posterior septum complexgray matter
Septohippocampal nucleusgray matter
Zona limitansgray matter
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalisgray matter
bed nucleus of thestria terminalis anterior divisiongray matter
bed nucleus of thestria terminalis anterodorsal partgray matter
bed nucleus of thestria terminalis anterolateral partgray matter
bed nucleus of thestria terminalis anteroventral partgray matter
Bed nucleus of the stria medullarisgray matter
Subfornical organgray matter
Tree of Septal region