brain part

Details about mfbs.
Major Subparts

Amygdalar capsulefiber tract
Ansa peduncularisfiber tract
Anterior commissure, temporal limbfiber tract
Fornix systemfiber tract
Cingulum bundlefiber tract
Medial forebrain bundlefiber tract
Supraoptic commissuresfiber tract
Supramammillary decussationfiber tract
Periventricular bundle of the hypothalamusfiber tract
Principal mammillary tractfiber tract
Mammillothalamic tractfiber tract
Mammillotegmental tractfiber tract
Mammillary pedunclefiber tract
Periventricular bundle of the thalamusfiber tract
Stria medularisfiber tract
Fasciculus retroflexusfiber tract
Habenular commisurefiber tract
Dorsal longitudinal fasciclefiber tract
Dorsal tegmental tractfiber tract
Stria terminalisfiber tract