Welcome to BAMS - an online resource for information about neural circuitry.
This rapidly expanding set of inference engines currently has 5 interrelated modules: Brain Parts (gray matter regions, major fiber tracts, and ventricles), Cell Types, Molecules, Connections (between regions and cell types), and Relations (between parts identified different neuroanatomical atlases).

To start searching for information use the menu above.

We highly encourage users to read the online manual. This manual explains in detail each function of BAMS, and includes examples of queries. Altough some aspects of the interface described in the manual are obsolete, the entire functionality is preserved. We will update the manual as soon as possible.

We also recommend reading the newly implemented BAMS Principles and Policies (version 1.0), which explicitly state our fundamental principles and approaches.

At present the BAMS database is sparsely populated. We invite and encourage neuroscientists to help populate BAMS with connectivity and cell type data. This is the only way such an ambitious undertaking can move toward being comprehensive. If you would like to become a BAMS collator just send a message to the system administrator.

For a historical perspective on BAMS, please see Bota, Dong & Swanson (2003) From gene networks to brain networks, Nature Neuroscience 6:795-799.

If you would like to set up an account in the system to insert data either in the public part of BAMS, or in the personal account, please contact the system administrator.

If you would like to use the newly implemented Personal Workspace, to receive updates about new features and tools added to BAMS, or to know when new data is inserted please go to the Registration page.
You can use the Personal Workspace to save your searches of brain regions, neuroanatomical connections, and molecules. Registering in the Personal Workspace also allows associating your personal annotations with reports of brain regions, neuroanatomical connections, and molecules.

BAMS contains neuroanatomical nomenclatures for the rat, human, macaque, cat, and mouse (about 10000 names). The system contains to date on the order of 65,000 reports of connections between different brain structures in the rat, as collated from the literature.