Brain Parts
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Originating brain region:
6b (Layer 6b, isocortex)
AAA (Anterior amygdaloid area)
ACA (Anterior cingulate area)
ACAd (Anterior cingulate area dorsal part)
ACAv (Anterior cingulate area ventral part)
ACB (Nucleus accumbens)
AD (Anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
ADP (Anterodorsal preoptic nucleus)
AHA (Anterior hypothalamic area)
AHN (Anterior hypothalamic nucleus)
AHNa (Anterior hypothalamic nucleus anterior part)
AHNc (Anterior hypothalamic central part)
AHNd (Anterior hypothalamic dorsal part)
AHNp (Anterior hypothalamic posterior part)
AI (Agranular insular area)
AId (Agranular insular area dorsal part)
AIp (Agranular insular area posterior part)
AIv (Agranular insular area ventral part)
AM (Anteromedial nucleus of thalamus)
AMBd (Nucleus ambiguus dorsal division)
AMBv (Nucleus ambiguus, ventral division)
AMd (Anteromedial nucleus of thalamus dorsal part)
AMv (Anteromedial nucleus of thalamus ventral part)
AOB (Accessory olfactory bulb)
AONd (Anterior olfactory nucleus dorsal part)
AONl (Anterior olfactory nucleus lateral part)
AONm (Anterior olfactory nucleus medial part)
AONpv (Anterior olfactory nucleus posteroventral part)
AP (Area postrema)
APN (Anterior pretectal nucleus)
ARH (Arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus)
ATN (Anterior group of the dorsal thalamus)
AUD (Auditory areas)
AUDd (Dorsal auditory areas)
AUDp (Primary auditory area)
AUDv (Ventral auditory areas)
AV (Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus)
AVP (Anteroventral preoptic nucleus)
AVPV (Anteroventral periventricular nucleus)
B (Barrington nucleus)
BA (Bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory part)
BLA (Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala)
BLAa (Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala anterior part)
BLAp (Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala posterior part)
BMA (Basomedial nucleus of the amygdala)
BMAa (Basomedial nucleus of the amygdala anterior part)
BMAp (Basomedial nucleus of the amygdala posterior part)
BST (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis)
BSTad (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division anterodorsal area)
BSTal (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterolateral area)
BSTav (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division anteroventral area)
BSTdl (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division dorsolateral nucleus)
BSTdm (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division dorsomedial nucleus)
BSTfu (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division fusiform nucleus)
BSTif (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division interfascicular nucleus)
BSTju (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis juxtacapsular nucleus)
BSTmg (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division magnocellular nucleus)
BSTov (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis oval nucleus)
BSTpr (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division principal nucleus)
BSTrh (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis rhomboid nucleus)
BSTsc (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, subcommisural zone)
BSTtr (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division transverse nucleus)
BSTv (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division ventral nucleus)
CA1 (Field CA1)
CA2 (Field CA2)
CA3 (Field CA3)
CB (Cerebellum)
CEA (Central nucleus of amygdala)
CEAc (Central nucleus of amygdala capsular part)
CEAl (Central nucleus of amygdala lateral part)
CEAm (Central nucleus of amygdala medial part)
CGB (Central gray of the brain)
CL (Central lateral nucleus of the thalamus)
CLA (Claustrum)
CLI (Central linear nucleus raphe)
CM (Central medial nucleus of the thalamus)
COA (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala)
COAa (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala anterior part)
COApl (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala posterior part lateral zone)
COApm (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala posterior part medial zone)
COM (Commissural nucleus)
CP (Caudoputamen)
CS (Superior central nucleus raphe)
CSl (Superior central nucleus raphe lateral part)
CSm (Superior central nucleus raphe medial part)
CUN (Cuneiform nucleus)
DCO (Dorsal coclear nucleus)
DG (Dentate gyrus)
DMH (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus)
DMHa (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus anterior part)
DMHp (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus posterior part)
DMHv (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus ventral part)
DN (Dentate nucleus)
DR (Dorsal nucleus raphe)
DTN (Dorsal tegmental nucleus)
ECT (Ectorhinal area)
ECU (External cuneate nucleus)
ENT (Entorhinal area)
ENTl (Entorhinal area, lateral part)
ENTm (Entorhinal area medial part, dorsal zone)
ENTMv (Entorhinal area medial part, ventral zone)
EP (Endopiriform nucleus)
EPd (Endopiriform nucleus dorsal part)
EPI (Epithalamus)
EPv (Endopiriform nucleus ventral part)
FF (Fields of Forel)
FN (Fastigial nucleus)
FS (Fundus of the striatum)
GP (Globus pallidus)
GPl (Globus pallidus lateral segment)
GPm (Globus pallidus medial segment)
GRN (Gigantocellular reticular nucleus)
GU (Gustatory areas)
HIP (Hippocampal region)
HPF (Hippocampal formation)
HY (Hypothalamus)
IA (Intercalated nuclei of the amygdala)
IAD (Interanterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
IAM (Interanteromedial nucleus of the thalamus)
IC (Inferior colliculus)
ICe (Inferior colliculus external nucleus)
IF (Interfascicular nucleus raphe)
IG (Induseum griseum)
IGL (Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex)
III (Oculomotor nucleus)
ILA (Infralimbic area)
ILM (Intralaminar nuclei of the dorsal thalamus)
IMD (Intermediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
INC (Interstitial nucleus of Cajal)
IO (Inferior olivary complex)
IOda (Dorsal accessory olive)
IOma (Medial accessory olive)
IOpr (Principal olive)
IP (Interposed nucleus)
IPN (Interpeduncular nucleus)
IPNa (Interpeduncular nucleus apical subnucleus)
IPNc (Interpeduncular nucleus central subnucleus)
IPNd (Interpeduncular nucleus dorsomedial subnucleus)
IPNl (Interpeduncular nucleus lateral subnucleus)
IPNr (Interpeduncular nucleus rostral subnucleus)
isl (Islands of Calleja)
KF (Kolliker-Fuse subnucleus)
LA (Lateral nucleus of the amygdala)
LAV (Lateral vestibular nucleus)
LC (Locus coeruleus)
LD (Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus)
LDT (Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus)
LGd (Dorsal part of the lateral geniculate complex)
LGv (Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex)
LGvl (Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex lateral zone)
LGvm (Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex medial zone)
LH (Lateral habenula)
LHA (Lateral hypothalamic area)
LM (Lateral mammillary nucleus)
LP (Lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus)
LPO (Lateral preoptic area)
LRN (Lateral reticular nucleus)
LRNm (Lateral reticular nucleus magnocellular part)
LS (Lateral septal nucleus)
LSc (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part)
LSc.v (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone)
LSc.v.i (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone intermediate region)
LSc.v.l.d (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone lateral region dorsal domain)
LSc.v.l.v (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone lateral region ventral domain)
LSr (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part)
LSr.dl (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone)
LSr.dl.l.d (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone lateral region dorsal domain)
LSr.m (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone)
LSr.m.d (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone dorsal region)
LSr.m.v (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone ventral region)
LSr.m.v.r (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone ventral region rostral domain)
LSr.vl (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone)
LSr.vl.d.l (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone dorsal region lateral domain)
LSr.vl.d.m (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone dorsal region medial domain)
LSv (Lateral septal nucleus ventral part)
LT (Lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract)
MA (Magnocellular preoptic nucleus)
MARN (Magnocellular reticular nucleus)
MBO (Mammillary body)
MD (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
MDc (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus central part)
MDl (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus lateral part)
MDm (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus medial part)
MDRNv (Medullary reticular nucleus ventral part)
MEA (Medial nucleus of the amygdala)
MEAad (Medial nucleus of the amygdala anterodorsal part)
MEAav (Medial nucleus of the amygdala anteroventral part)
MEApd (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part)
MEApd-a (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part,sublayer a)
MEApd-b (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part,sublayer b)
MEApd-c (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part,sublayer c)
MEApv (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posteroventral part)
MEPO (Median preoptic nucleus)
MG (Medial geniculate complex)
MGd (Medial geniculate complex dorsal part)
MGm (Medial geniculate complex medial part)
MGv (Medial geniculate complex ventral part)
MM (Medial mammillary nucleus)
MMme (Medial mammillary nucleus median part)
MO (Somatic motor areas)
MOB (Main olfactory bulb)
MOp (Primary motor area)
MOs (Secondary motor area)
moV (Motor root of the trigeminal nerve)
MPN (Medial preoptic nucleus)
MPNc (Medial preoptic nucleus central part)
MPNl (Medial preoptic nucleus lateral part)
MPNm (Medial preoptic nucleus medial part)
MPO (Medial preoptic area)
MPT (Medial pretectal area)
MRN (Mesencephalic reticular nucleus)
MS (Medial septal nucleus)
MT (Medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract)
MV (Medial vestibular nucleus)
NB (Nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus)
NDB (Nucleus of the diagonal band)
NI (Nucleus incertus)
NIc (Nucleus incertus compact part)
NId (Nucleus incertus diffuse part)
NIS (Nucleus intercalatus)
NLOT (Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract)
NOT (Nucleus of the optic tract)
NPC (Nucleus of the posterior commissure)
NR (Nucleus of Roller)
NTS (Nucleus of the solitary tract)
NTSco (Nucleus of the solitary tract commissural part)
NTSl (Nucleus of the solitary tract lateral part)
NTSm (Nucleus of the solitary tract medial part)
OP (Olivary pretectal nucleus)
ORB (Orbital area)
ORBl (Orbital area lateral part)
ORBm (Orbital area medial part)
ORBv (Orbital area ventral part)
ORBvl (Orbital area ventrolateral part)
OT (Olfactory tubercle)
OV (Vascular organ of the lamina terminalis)
PA (Posterior nucleus of the amygdala)
PAA (Piriform-amygdaloid area)
PAG (Periaqueductal gray)
PAGd (Periaqueductal gray dorsal division)
PAGdl (Periaqueductal gray dorsolateral division)
PAGm (Periaqueductal gray medial division)
PAGrm (Periaqueductal gray rostromedial division)
PAGvl (Periaqueductal gray ventrolateral division)
PAL (Pallidum)
PAR (Parasubiculum)
PB (Parabrachial nucleus)
PBG (Parageminal nucleus)
PBl (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division)
PBlc (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division central lateral part)
PBld (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division dorsal lateral part)
PBle (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division external lateral part)
PBls (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division superior lateral part)
PBlv (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division ventral lateral part)
PBmm (Parabrachial nucleus medial division medial medial part)
PCG (Pontine central gray)
PCM (Paracentral nucleus of the thalamus)
PD (Posterodorsal preoptic nucleus)
PERI (Perirhinal area)
PF (Parafascicular nucleus)
PG (Pontine gray)
PGRNl (Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus lateral part)
PH (Posterior hypothalamic nucleus)
PIR (Piriform area)
PIR3 (Piriform area polymorph layer)
PL (Prelimbic area)
PMd (Dorsal premammillary nucleus)
PMv (Ventral premammillary nucleus)
PO (Posterior complex of the thalamus)
POL (Posterior limiting nucleus of the thalamus)
POR (Superior olivary complex periolivary region)
POST (Postsubiculum)
PP (Peripeduncular nucleus)
PPN (Pedunculopontine nucleus)
PPT (Posterior pretectal nucleus)
PR (Perireunensis nucleus)
PRC (Precommissural nucleus)
PRE (Presubiculum)
PRN (Pontine reticular nucleus)
PRNc (Pontine reticular nucleus caudal part)
PRNr (Pontine reticular nucleus rostral part)
PRP (Nucleus prepositus)
PRT (Pretectal region)
PS (Parastrial nucleus)
PSCH (Suprachiasmatic preoptic nucleus)
PSV (Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal)
PT (Parataenial nucleus)
PTLp (Posterior parietal association areas)
PVa (Anterior periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVH (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVHam (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, anterior magnocellular part)
PVHap (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, parvicellular division, anterior parvicellular part)
PVHdp (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division, dorsal parvicellular part)
PVHlp (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division, lateral parvicellular part)
PVHmpd (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, parvicellular division, medial parvicellular part, dorsal zone)
PVHmpv (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division, medial parvicellular part, ventral zone)
PVHpm (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part)
PVHpv (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, parvicellular division, periventricular part)
PVI (Intermediate periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVp (Posterior periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVpo (Preoptic periventricular nucleus)
PVT (Paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus)
R (Retina)
RA (Raphe of mesenchephalon)
RCH (Retrochiasmatic area)
RE (Nucleus reuniens)
RECd (Nucleus reuniens caudal division dorsal part)
RECm (Nucleus reuniens caudal division median part)
RECp (Nucleus reuniens caudal division posterior part)
RER (Nucleus reuniens rostral division)
RERd (Nucleus reuniens rostral division dorsal part)
RERl (Nucleus reuniens rostral division lateral part)
RERm (Nucleus reuniens rostral division median part)
RERv (Nucleus reuniens rostral division ventral part)
RH (Rhomboid nucleus)
RL (Rostral linear nucleus raphe)
RM (Nucleus raphe magnus)
RN (Red nucleus)
RPO (Nucleus raphe pontis)
RR (Retrorubral area)
RSP (Retrosplenial area)
RSPagl (Retrosplenial area lateral agranular part)
RSPd (Retrosplenial area dorsal part)
RSPv (Retrosplenial area ventral part)
RSPv-a (Retrosplenial area ventral part zone a)
RSPv-b/c (Retrosplenial area ventral part zone b/c)
RT (Reticular nucleus of the thalamus)
SBPV (Subparaventricular zone)
SC (Superior colliculus)
SCdg (Superior colliculus intermediate deep gray layer)
SCH (Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
SCig (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer)
SCig-a (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer sublayer a)
SCig-b (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer sublayer b)
SCig-c (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer sublayer c)
SCsg (Superior colliculus superficial gray layer)
SF (Septofimbrial nucleus)
SFO (Subfornical organ)
SG (Supargenual nucleus)
SGN (Suprageniculate nucleus)
SH (Septohippocampal nucleus)
SI (Substantia innominata)
SLD (Sublaterodorsal nucleus)
SMT (Submedial nucleus of the thalamus)
SN (Substantia nigra)
SNc (Substantia nigra compact part)
SNr (Substantia nigra reticular part)
SO (Supraoptic nucleus)
SOr (Supraoptic nucleus, retrochiasmatic part)
SP (Spinal Cord)
SPF (Subparafascicular nucleus)
SPFm (Subparafascicular nucleus magnocellular part)
SPFp (Subparafascicular nucleus parvicellular part)
SPIV (Spinal vestibular nucleus)
SPV (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal)
SPVC (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal caudal part)
SPVI (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal interpolar part)
SPVO (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal oral part)
SS (Somatosensory areas)
SS-bfd (Primary somatosensory area barrel field)
SS-ll (Primary somatosensory area lower limb)
SS-m (Primary somatosensory area mouth)
SS-n (Primary somatosensory area nose)
SS-tr (Primary somatosensory area trunk)
SS-ul (Primary somatosensory area upper limb)
SSp (Primary somatosensory area)
SSs (Supplemental somatosensory area)
STN (Subthalamic nucleus)
SUB (Subiculum)
SUBd (Subiculum dorsal part)
SUBv (Subiculum ventral part)
SUM (Supramammillary nucleus)
SUMl (Supramammillary nucleus lateral part)
SUMm (Supramammillary nucleus medial part)
SUV (Superior vestibular nucleus)
TEv (Ventral temporal association areas)
TM (Tuberomammillary nucleus)
TR (Postpiriform transition area)
TRN (Tegmental reticular nucleus)
TTd (Taenia tecta dorsal part)
TTv (Taenia tecta ventral part)
TU (Tuberal nucleus)
TUA (Tuberal area of the hypothalamus)
VAL (Ventral anterior-lateral complex of the thalamus)
VENT (Ventral group of the dorsal thalamus)
VI (Abducens nucleus)
VII (Facial nucleus)
VIS (Visual areas)
VISal (Anterolateral visual area)
VISam (Anteromedial visual area)
VISC (Visceral area)
VISli (Intermediolateral visual area)
VISll (Laterolateral visual area)
VISlla (Anterior laterolateral visual area)
VISlm (Mediolateral visual area)
VISp (Primary visual area)
VISpl (Posterolateral visual area)
VISrl (Rostrolateral visual area)
VM (Ventral medial nucleus of the thalamus)
VMH (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus)
VMHa (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus anterior part)
VMHc (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus central part)
VMHdm (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus dorsomedial part)
VMHvl (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus ventrolateral part)
VNC (Vestibular nuclei)
VP (Ventral posterior complex of the thalamus)
VPL (Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus)
VPLpc (Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus parvicellular part)
VPM (Ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus)
VPMpc (Ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus parvicellular part)
VTA (Ventral tegmental area)
VTN (Ventral tegmental nucleus)
x (Nucleus x)
y (Nucleus y)
z (Nucleus z)
ZI (Zona incerta)
ZI (Zona incerta proper)
Final brain region:
6b (Layer 6b, isocortex)
AAA (Anterior amygdaloid area)
ACA (Anterior cingulate area)
ACAd (Anterior cingulate area dorsal part)
ACAv (Anterior cingulate area ventral part)
ACB (Nucleus accumbens)
ACVII (Accessory facial nucleus)
AD (Anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
ADP (Anterodorsal preoptic nucleus)
AHA (Anterior hypothalamic area)
AHN (Anterior hypothalamic nucleus)
AHNa (Anterior hypothalamic nucleus anterior part)
AHNc (Anterior hypothalamic central part)
AHNd (Anterior hypothalamic dorsal part)
AHNp (Anterior hypothalamic posterior part)
AI (Agranular insular area)
AId (Agranular insular area dorsal part)
AIp (Agranular insular area posterior part)
AIv (Agranular insular area ventral part)
AM (Anteromedial nucleus of thalamus)
AMBd (Nucleus ambiguus dorsal division)
AMBv (Nucleus ambiguus, ventral division)
AMd (Anteromedial nucleus of thalamus dorsal part)
AMv (Anteromedial nucleus of thalamus ventral part)
ANcr1 (Ansiform lobule crus 1)
ANcr2 (Ansiform lobule crus 2)
AOB (Accessory olfactory bulb)
AOBgr (Accessory olfactory bulb, granular layer)
AOBmi (Accessory olfactory bulb, mitral layer)
AON (Anterior olfactory nucleus)
AONd (Anterior olfactory nucleus dorsal part)
AONd1 (Anterior olfactory nucleus dorsal part molecular layer)
AONe (Anterior olfactory nucleus external part)
AONl (Anterior olfactory nucleus lateral part)
AONm (Anterior olfactory nucleus medial part)
AONpv (Anterior olfactory nucleus posteroventral part)
AONpv1 (Anterior olfactory nucleus posteroventral part molecular layer)
AP (Area postrema)
APN (Anterior pretectal nucleus)
ARH (Arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus)
ASO (Supraoptic nucleus, accessory supraoptic group)
AT (Anterior tegmental nucleus)
ATN (Anterior group of the dorsal thalamus)
AUD (Auditory areas)
AUDd (Dorsal auditory areas)
AUDp (Primary auditory area)
AUDv (Ventral auditory areas)
AV (Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus)
AVP (Anteroventral preoptic nucleus)
AVPV (Anteroventral periventricular nucleus)
B (Barrington nucleus)
BA (Bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory part)
BLA (Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala)
BLAa (Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala anterior part)
BLAp (Basolateral nucleus of the amygdala posterior part)
BMA (Basomedial nucleus of the amygdala)
BMAa (Basomedial nucleus of the amygdala anterior part)
BMAp (Basomedial nucleus of the amygdala posterior part)
BSM (Bed nucleus of the stria medularis)
BST (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis)
BSTad (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division anterodorsal area)
BSTal (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterolateral area)
BSTav (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division anteroventral area)
BSTcc (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division anterodorsal area central core)
BSTd (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division dorsal nucleus)
BSTdl (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division dorsolateral nucleus)
BSTdm (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division dorsomedial nucleus)
BSTfu (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division fusiform nucleus)
BSTif (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division interfascicular nucleus)
BSTju (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis juxtacapsular nucleus)
BSTmg (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division magnocellular nucleus)
BSTov (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis oval nucleus)
BSTpr (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division principal nucleus)
BSTrh (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis rhomboid nucleus)
BSTsc (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, anterior division, subcommisural zone)
BSTse (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division strial extension)
BSTtr (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis posterior division transverse nucleus)
BSTv (Bed nuclei of the stria terminalis anterior division ventral nucleus)
CA (Ammon Horn)
CA1 (Field CA1)
CA1spd (Field CA1 pyramidal layer, deep)
CA1sps (Field CA1 pyramidal layer, superficial)
CA2 (Field CA2)
CA3 (Field CA3)
CB (Cerebellum)
CBX (Cerebellar cortex)
ccg (Genu of corpus callosum)
CEA (Central nucleus of amygdala)
CEAc (Central nucleus of amygdala capsular part)
CEAl (Central nucleus of amygdala lateral part)
CEAm (Central nucleus of amygdala medial part)
CENT2 (Central lobule, lobule II)
CENT3 (Central lobule, lobule III)
CGB (Central gray of the brain)
CGS (Central gray of the spinal cord)
CL (Central lateral nucleus of the thalamus)
CLA (Claustrum)
CLI (Central linear nucleus raphe)
CM (Central medial nucleus of the thalamus)
COA (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala)
COAa (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala anterior part)
COAp (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala posterior part)
COApl (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala posterior part lateral zone)
COApm (Cortical nucleus of the amygdala posterior part medial zone)
COM (Commissural nucleus)
CP (Caudoputamen)
CS (Superior central nucleus raphe)
CSl (Superior central nucleus raphe lateral part)
CSm (Superior central nucleus raphe medial part)
CU (Cuneate nucleus)
CUL4 (Culmen lobule IV)
CUL5 (Culmen lobule V)
CUN (Cuneiform nucleus)
DCN (Dorsal column nuclei)
DCO (Dorsal coclear nucleus)
DEC (Declive (VI))
DG (Dentate gyrus)
DMH (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus)
DMHa (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus anterior part)
DMHp (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus posterior part)
DMHv (Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus ventral part)
DMX (Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve)
DN (Dentate nucleus)
DOL (Dorsal commissural nucleus)
DR (Dorsal nucleus raphe)
DT (Dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract)
DTN (Dorsal tegmental nucleus)
ECT (Ectorhinal area)
ENT (Entorhinal area)
ENTl (Entorhinal area, lateral part)
ENTm (Entorhinal area medial part, dorsal zone)
ENTMv (Entorhinal area medial part, ventral zone)
EP (Endopiriform nucleus)
EPd (Endopiriform nucleus dorsal part)
EPv (Endopiriform nucleus ventral part)
EW (Edinger-Westphal nucleus)
FC (Fasciola cinerea)
FF (Fields of Forel)
FL (Flocculus)
FN (Fastigial nucleus)
FOTU (Folium-tuber vermis (VII))
FS (Fundus of the striatum)
GP (Globus pallidus)
GPl (Globus pallidus lateral segment)
GPm (Globus pallidus medial segment)
GRN (Gigantocellular reticular nucleus)
GU (Gustatory areas)
GV (Trigeminal ganglion)
HEM (Hemispheric regions)
HIP (Hippocampal region)
HPF (Hippocampal formation)
HY (Hypothalamus)
IA (Intercalated nuclei of the amygdala)
IAD (Interanterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
IAM (Interanteromedial nucleus of the thalamus)
IC (Inferior colliculus)
ICc (Inferior colliculus central nucleus)
ICd (Inferior colliculus dorsal nucleus)
ICe (Inferior colliculus external nucleus)
ICS (Intercalated nucleus of the spinal cord)
IF (Interfascicular nucleus raphe)
IG (Induseum griseum)
IGL (Intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate complex)
III (Oculomotor nucleus)
ILA (Infralimbic area)
IMD (Intermediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
IML (Intermediolateral column of the spinal cord)
INC (Interstitial nucleus of Cajal)
IO (Inferior olivary complex)
IOda (Dorsal accessory olive)
IOma (Medial accessory olive)
IOpr (Principal olive)
IP (Interposed nucleus)
IPN (Interpeduncular nucleus)
IPNa (Interpeduncular nucleus apical subnucleus)
IPNc (Interpeduncular nucleus central subnucleus)
IPNd (Interpeduncular nucleus dorsomedial subnucleus)
IPNi (Interpeduncular nucleus intermediate subnucleus)
IPNl (Interpeduncular nucleus lateral subnucleus)
IPNld (Interpeduncular nucleus lateral subnucleus dorsal part)
IPNli (Interpeduncular nucleus lateral subnucleus intermediate part)
IPNlr (Interpeduncular nucleus lateral subnucleus rostral part)
IPNlv (Interpeduncular nucleus lateral subnucleus ventral part)
IPNr (Interpeduncular nucleus rostral subnucleus)
IP_p (Interposed nucleus proper)
isl (Islands of Calleja)
islm (Major island of Calleja)
ISN (Inferior salivatory nucleus)
KF (Kolliker-Fuse subnucleus)
LA (Lateral nucleus of the amygdala)
LAV (Lateral vestibular nucleus)
LC (Locus coeruleus)
LD (Lateral dorsal nucleus of thalamus)
LDT (Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus)
LGd (Dorsal part of the lateral geniculate complex)
LGv (Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex)
LGvl (Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex lateral zone)
LGvm (Ventral part of the lateral geniculate complex medial zone)
LH (Lateral habenula)
LHA (Lateral hypothalamic area)
LING (Lingula (l))
LM (Lateral mammillary nucleus)
LP (Lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus)
LPO (Lateral preoptic area)
LRN (Lateral reticular nucleus)
LRNm (Lateral reticular nucleus magnocellular part)
LS (Lateral septal nucleus)
LSc (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part)
LSc.d (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part dorsal zone)
LSc.d.d (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part dorsal zone dorsal region)
LSc.d.l (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part dorsal zone lateral region)
LSc.d.r (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part dorsal zone rostral region)
LSc.d.v (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part dorsal zone ventral region)
LSc.v (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone)
LSc.v.i (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone intermediate region)
LSc.v.l.d (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone lateral region dorsal domain)
LSc.v.l.v (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone lateral region ventral domain)
LSc.v.m (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone medial region)
LSc.v.m.d (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone medial region dorsal domain)
LSc.v.m.v (Lateral septal nucleus caudal (caudodorsal) part ventral zone medial region ventral domain)
LSN (Lateral spinal nucleus)
LSr (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part)
LSr.dl (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone)
LSr.dl.l (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone lateral region)
LSr.dl.l.d (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone lateral region dorsal domain)
LSr.dl.l.v (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone lateral region ventral domain)
LSr.dl.m (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone medial region)
LSr.dl.m.d (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone medial region dorsal domain)
LSr.dl.m.v (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part dorsolateral zone medial region ventral domain)
LSr.m (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone)
LSr.m.d (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone dorsal region)
LSr.m.v (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone ventral region)
LSr.m.v.c (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone ventral region caudal domain)
LSr.m.v.r (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part medial zone ventral region rostral domain)
LSr.vl (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone)
LSr.vl.d (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone dorsal region)
LSr.vl.d.l (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone dorsal region lateral domain)
LSr.vl.d.m (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone dorsal region medial domain)
LSr.vl.v (Lateral septal nucleus rostral (rostroventral) part ventrolateral zone ventral region)
LSv (Lateral septal nucleus ventral part)
LSX (Lateral septal complex)
LT (Lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract)
LTN (Lateral tegmental nucleus)
MA (Magnocellular preoptic nucleus)
MAN (Medial accessory nucleus)
MARN (Magnocellular reticular nucleus)
MBO (Mammillary body)
MD (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus)
MDc (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus central part)
MDl (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus lateral part)
MDm (Mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus medial part)
MDRN (Medullary reticular nucleus)
MDRNd (Medullary reticular nucleus dorsal part)
MDRNv (Medullary reticular nucleus ventral part)
ME (Median eminence)
MEA (Medial nucleus of the amygdala)
MEAad (Medial nucleus of the amygdala anterodorsal part)
MEAav (Medial nucleus of the amygdala anteroventral part)
MEApd (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part)
MEApd-a (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part,sublayer a)
MEApd-b (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part,sublayer b)
MEApd-c (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posterodorsal part,sublayer c)
MEApv (Medial nucleus of the amygdala posteroventral part)
MEex (Median eminence external lamina)
MEin (Median eminence internal lamina)
MEPO (Median preoptic nucleus)
MEV (Mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal)
MG (Medial geniculate complex)
MGd (Medial geniculate complex dorsal part)
MGm (Medial geniculate complex medial part)
MGv (Medial geniculate complex ventral part)
MH (Medial habenula)
MM (Medial mammillary nucleus)
MMme (Medial mammillary nucleus median part)
MO (Somatic motor areas)
MOB (Main olfactory bulb)
MOp (Primary motor area)
MOs (Secondary motor area)
MPN (Medial preoptic nucleus)
MPNc (Medial preoptic nucleus central part)
MPNl (Medial preoptic nucleus lateral part)
MPNm (Medial preoptic nucleus medial part)
MPO (Medial preoptic area)
MPT (Medial pretectal area)
MRN (Mesencephalic reticular nucleus)
MS (Medial septal nucleus)
MT (Medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract)
MV (Medial vestibular nucleus)
MZ (Marginal zone of the spinal cord)
NB (Nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus)
ND (Nucleus of Darkschewitsch)
NDB (Nucleus of the diagonal band)
NIc (Nucleus incertus compact part)
NId (Nucleus incertus diffuse part)
NL (Pituitary gland, neural lobe)
NLL (Nucleus of the lateral lemniscus)
NLOT (Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract)
NOD (Nodulus (X))
NOT (Nucleus of the optic tract)
NPC (Nucleus of the posterior commissure)
NTS (Nucleus of the solitary tract)
NTSce (Nucleus of the solitary tract central part)
NTSco (Nucleus of the solitary tract commissural part)
NTSge (Nucleus of the solitary tract gelatinous part)
NTSl (Nucleus of the solitary tract lateral part)
NTSm (Nucleus of the solitary tract medial part)
NTSm(c) (Nucleus of the solitary tract medial part caudal zone)
NTSm(r) (Nucleus of the solitary tract medial part rostral zone)
OP (Olivary pretectal nucleus)
ORB (Orbital area)
ORBl (Orbital area lateral part)
ORBm (Orbital area medial part)
ORBv (Orbital area ventral part)
ORBvl (Orbital area ventrolateral part)
OT (Olfactory tubercle)
OT1 (Olfactory tubercle molecular layer)
OT2 (Olfactory tubercle pyramidal layer)
OT3 (Olfactory tubercle polymorph layer)
OV (Vascular organ of the lamina terminalis)
PA (Posterior nucleus of the amygdala)
PAA (Piriform-amygdaloid area)
PAG (Periaqueductal gray)
PAGd (Periaqueductal gray dorsal division)
PAGdl (Periaqueductal gray dorsolateral division)
PAGm (Periaqueductal gray medial division)
PAGrl (Periaqueductal gray rostrolateral division)
PAGrm (Periaqueductal gray rostromedial division)
PAGvl (Periaqueductal gray ventrolateral division)
PAL (Pallidum)
PAR (Parasubiculum)
PARN (Parvicellular reticular nucleus)
PB (Parabrachial nucleus)
PBG (Parageminal nucleus)
PBl (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division)
PBlc (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division central lateral part)
PBld (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division dorsal lateral part)
PBle (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division external lateral part)
PBlex (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division extreme lateral part)
PBli (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division internal lateral part)
PBls (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division superior lateral part)
PBlv (Parabrachial nucleus lateral division ventral lateral part)
PBm (Parabrachial nucleus medial division)
PBme (Parabrachial nucleus medial division external medial part)
PBmm (Parabrachial nucleus medial division medial medial part)
PBmv (Parabrachial nucleus medial division ventral medial part)
PCG (Pontine central gray)
PD (Posterodorsal preoptic nucleus)
PERI (Perirhinal area)
PF (Parafascicular nucleus)
PFL (Paraflocculus)
PG (Pontine gray)
PGRN (Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus)
PGRNl (Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus lateral part)
PH (Posterior hypothalamic nucleus)
PIR (Piriform area)
PIR1 (Piriform area molecular layer)
PIR2 (Piriform area pyramidal layer)
PIR3 (Piriform area polymorph layer)
PL (Prelimbic area)
pm (Principal mammillary tract)
PMd (Dorsal premammillary nucleus)
PMv (Ventral premammillary nucleus)
PO (Posterior complex of the thalamus)
POST (Postsubiculum)
PP (Peripeduncular nucleus)
PPN (Pedunculopontine nucleus)
PPT (Posterior pretectal nucleus)
PR (Perireunensis nucleus)
PRC (Precommissural nucleus)
PRE (Presubiculum)
PRN (Pontine reticular nucleus)
PRNc (Pontine reticular nucleus caudal part)
PRNr (Pontine reticular nucleus rostral part)
PRP (Nucleus prepositus)
PRT (Pretectal region)
PS (Parastrial nucleus)
PSCH (Suprachiasmatic preoptic nucleus)
PSV (Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal)
PT (Parataenial nucleus)
PTLp (Posterior parietal association areas)
PVa (Anterior periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVH (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVHam (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, anterior magnocellular part)
PVHap (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, parvicellular division, anterior parvicellular part)
PVHd (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division)
PVHdp (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division, dorsal parvicellular part)
PVHf (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division, forniceal part)
PVHlp (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division, lateral parvicellular part)
PVHmpd (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, parvicellular division, medial parvicellular part, dorsal zone)
PVHmpv (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, descending division, medial parvicellular part, ventral zone)
PVHp (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, parvicellular division)
PVHpm (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part)
PVHpml (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part, lateral zone)
PVHpmm (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part, medial zone)
PVHpv (Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, parvicellular division, periventricular part)
PVI (Intermediate periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVp (Posterior periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus)
PVpo (Preoptic periventricular nucleus)
PVT (Paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus)
PVZ (Periventricular zone of the hypothalamus)
PYR (Pyramus)
R (Retina)
RA (Raphe of mesenchephalon)
RCH (Retrochiasmatic area)
RE (Nucleus reuniens)
RECd (Nucleus reuniens caudal division dorsal part)
RECm (Nucleus reuniens caudal division median part)
RECp (Nucleus reuniens caudal division posterior part)
RER (Nucleus reuniens rostral division)
RERd (Nucleus reuniens rostral division dorsal part)
RERl (Nucleus reuniens rostral division lateral part)
RERm (Nucleus reuniens rostral division median part)
RERv (Nucleus reuniens rostral division ventral part)
RET (Reticular formation)
RH (Rhomboid nucleus)
RHP (Retrohippocampal region)
RL (Rostral linear nucleus raphe)
RM (Nucleus raphe magnus)
RN (Red nucleus)
RO (Nucleus raphe obscurus)
RPA (Nucleus raphe pallidus)
RPO (Nucleus raphe pontis)
RR (Retrorubral area)
RS (Reticular nucleus of the spinal cord)
RSP (Retrosplenial area)
RSPagl (Retrosplenial area lateral agranular part)
RSPd (Retrosplenial area dorsal part)
RSPv (Retrosplenial area ventral part)
RSPv-a (Retrosplenial area ventral part zone a)
RSPv-b/c (Retrosplenial area ventral part zone b/c)
RT (Reticular nucleus of the thalamus)
SAG (Nucleus sagulum)
SBPV (Subparaventricular zone)
SC (Superior colliculus)
SCdg (Superior colliculus intermediate deep gray layer)
SCdw (Superior colliculus intermediate deep white layer)
SCH (Suprachiasmatic nucleus)
SCig (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer)
SCig-a (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer sublayer a)
SCig-b (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer sublayer b)
SCig-c (Superior colliculus intermediate gray layer sublayer c)
SCiw (Superior colliculus intermediate white layer)
SCop (Superior colliculus optic layer)
SCsg (Superior colliculus superficial gray layer)
SCzo (Superior colliculus zonal layer)
SF (Septofimbrial nucleus)
SFO (Subfornical organ)
SGN (Suprageniculate nucleus)
SH (Septohippocampal nucleus)
SI (Substantia innominata)
SIM (Simple lobule)
SLC (Subcoeruleus nucleus)
SLD (Sublaterodorsal nucleus)
SMT (Submedial nucleus of the thalamus)
SN (Substantia nigra)
SNc (Substantia nigra compact part)
SNr (Substantia nigra reticular part)
SO (Supraoptic nucleus)
SOr (Supraoptic nucleus, retrochiasmatic part)
SP (Spinal Cord)
SPF (Subparafascicular nucleus)
SPFm (Subparafascicular nucleus magnocellular part)
SPFp (Subparafascicular nucleus parvicellular part)
SPIV (Spinal vestibular nucleus)
SPVC (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal caudal part)
SPVI (Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal interpolar part)
SS (Somatosensory areas)
SS-ll (Primary somatosensory area lower limb)
SSN (Superior salivatory nucleus)
SSp (Primary somatosensory area)
SSs (Supplemental somatosensory area)
STN (Subthalamic nucleus)
SUB (Subiculum)
SUBd (Subiculum dorsal part)
SUBv (Subiculum ventral part)
SUBv-sp (Subiculum ventral part pyramidal layer)
SUBv-sr (Subiculum ventral part stratum radiatum)
SUM (Supramammillary nucleus)
SUMl (Supramammillary nucleus lateral part)
SUMm (Supramammillary nucleus medial part)
SUT (Supratrigeminal nucleus)
SUV (Superior vestibular nucleus)
TEv (Ventral temporal association areas)
TH (Thalamus)
TM (Tuberomammillary nucleus)
TMd (Tuberomammillary nucleus dorsal part)
TMv (Tuberomammillary nucleus ventral part)
TR (Postpiriform transition area)
TRN (Tegmental reticular nucleus)
TRS (Triangular nucleus of the septum)
ts (Solitary tract)
TT (Taenia tecta)
TTd (Taenia tecta dorsal part)
TTv (Taenia tecta ventral part)
TU (Tuberal nucleus)
TUA (Tuberal area of the hypothalamus)
UVU (Uvula (IX))
V (Motor nucleus of the trigeminal)
VAL (Ventral anterior-lateral complex of the thalamus)
VCOa (Ventral coclear nucleus anterior part)
VCOp (Ventral coclear nucleus posterior part)
VH (Ventral horn of the spinal cord)
VII (Facial nucleus)
VIS (Visual areas)
VISal (Anterolateral visual area)
VISam (Anteromedial visual area)
VISC (Visceral area)
VISli (Intermediolateral visual area)
VISll (Laterolateral visual area)
VISlla (Anterior laterolateral visual area)
VISlm (Mediolateral visual area)
VISp (Primary visual area)
VISpl (Posterolateral visual area)
VISrl (Rostrolateral visual area)
VM (Ventral medial nucleus of the thalamus)
VMH (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus)
VMHa (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus anterior part)
VMHc (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus central part)
VMHdm (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus dorsomedial part)
VMHvl (Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus ventrolateral part)
VNC (Vestibular nuclei)
VP (Ventral posterior complex of the thalamus)
VPL (Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus)
VPLpc (Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus parvicellular part)
VPM (Ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus)
VPMpc (Ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus parvicellular part)
VTA (Ventral tegmental area)
VTN (Ventral tegmental nucleus)
XII (Hypoglossal nucleus)
ZI (Zona incerta)
ZI (Zona incerta proper)
ZIda (Zona incerta dopaminergic group)
of intermediary steps:
Create networks