brain part

Details about Amy.
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Hierarchy level in atlas Paxinos/Franklin, version Paxinos/Franklin-2001 is 2: 1 superstructure includes it.

Major Subparts
anterior amygdaloid areagray matter
anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleusgray matter
Amygdalohippocampal areagray matter
amygdalopiriform transition areagray matter
amygdalostriatal transition areagray matter
bed nucleus of the anterior commissuregray matter
basolateral amygdaloid nucleusgray matter
basomedial amygdaloid nucleusgray matter
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis intermediate divisiongray matter
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis intraamygdaloid divisiongray matter
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral divisiongray matter
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial divisiongray matter
bed nucleus of stria terminalis supracapsular partgray matter
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis ventral divisiongray matter
central amygdaloid nucleusgray matter
nucleus of the commissural stria terminalisgray matter
intercalated nuclei of the amygdalagray matter
lateral amygdaloid nucleusgray matter
Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tractgray matter
medial amygdaloid nucleusgray matter
posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus (C2)gray matter
posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus (C3)gray matter
sublenticular extended amygdalagray matter
Tree of Amygdala
