brain part

Details about CA1.
Tree     ManualHelp?

Hierarchy level in atlas Swanson, version Swanson-2004 is 10: 9 superstructures include it.

Major Subparts
Field CA1 stratum lacunosum-molecularegray matter
Field CA1 stratum radiatumgray matter
Field CA1 pyramidal layergray matter
Field CA1 stratum oriensgray matter
Tree of Field CA1

Central Nervous System
Central nervous system gray matter
Cerebral cortex
Cortical plate
Polymodal association cortex
Hippocampal formation
Hippocampal region
Ammon Horn

Efferent projections of Field CA1Afferent projections to Field CA1

Inferred efferent projections of Field CA1Inferred afferent projections to Field CA1