Cell details

Tree of the retinal ganglion cell C2 outer, nomenclature (acronym): Huxlin and Goodchild (HG)







projection interneuron



retinal ganglion cell



retinal ganglion cell C



retinal ganglion cell C2



Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of retinal ganglion cell C2 outer
AnnotationReference Collator
outer delta retinal ganglion cellPeichl (Peichl)

The dendritic trees of delta cells are also monostratified in either and inner or an outer sublamina of the IPL. The outer delta cell stratum is in apposition to the inner nuclear layer...synonym
RGC2 cells comprise the previously identified ‘‘delta cells’’ of Peichl (1989), whose branching pattern resembles that of delta cells in the cat (Boycott and Wassle, 1974). They stratify, as Peichl (1989) indicated, in either the inner or the outer portion of the IPL, but they ramify closer to the INL than RGA2 cells. Collator note: see Table 1 page 312.Huxlin K.R & Goodchild A.K.Mihail Bota