Cell details

slow-conducting retinal ganglion cell, nomenclature (acronym): Fukuda-physiological (F-physio)

Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of slow-conducting retinal ganglion cell
AnnotationReference Collator
S-type retinal ganglion cellFukuda-morphological (F-mopho)

The cell size analysis made on various areas across the whole mount preparation of the rat retina revelead three classes of ganglion cells, termed L-(large), M-(medium-sized) and S-(small) cells. One can take 11.5 micrometers as being the boundary between S- and M- cells (S-M) boundary and 14.5 micrometers as that between M- and L-cells (M-L boundary). In the histogram shown in Fig. 4Ab, dips at 10.5 and 13.5 micrometers are taken as the S-M and M-L boundaries, respectivelpartially corresponds
Further support for the three-group classification of ganglion cells was gained by physiological measurements of conduction velocities of ganglion cell axons. By recording axonal or cellular discharges in the retina values of 16.8 ± 1.5, 11.4 ± 1.0 and 6.3 ± 1.1 m/sec were obtained as the average velocities of the fast, intermediate and slow conducting axons. These groups are presumably the axons of L-, M- and S-cells, respectively. Furthermore, the sampling ratios of the L-, M- and S-type ganglion cells in the retinal recordings were 14, 39 and 48%. These figures reflect relative frequencies of histologically identified L-, M-, and S-cells (5, 30 and 65%) since in unit recordings large cells are over-represented and small cells under-represented.Fukuda YMihail Bota