Cell details

melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cell, nomenclature (acronym): Berson, Hattar et al (BH)

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Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cell
AnnotationReference Collator
photosensitive SCN-projecting retinal ganglion cellBerson, Hattar et al (BH)

In isolated retinas, whole-cell recordings were made of the responses of labeled ganglion cells to light (10) (Fig. 1, A to E). In most of these cells (n = 150), light evoked large depolarizations with superimposed fast action potentials (Fig. 1, E to G) (11). Photosensitive ganglion cells shared a common morphology (Fig. 4, A and B), as revealed by intracellular staining with LY (28). Somata were intermediate in diameter among neurons of the ganglion cell layer (14.7 ± 1.2 micrometers,mean 6 SD; n= 18). Many cells sent an axon into the optic fiber layer; those lacking one had presumably lost it during mechanical exposure of the soma before recording. The sparsely branching, tortuous dendrites of these cells arborized primarily in the outer part (OFF sublayer) of the inner plexiform layer (IPL; Fig. 4B). Although some dendrites coursed within the inner IPL (ON sublayer) for 100 to 200 micrometers, nearly all terminated in the OFF sublayer. Such stratification is highly unusual for ganglion cells depolarized by light [but see (29, 30)]. Dendritic fields were large (diameter 497 ± 115 micrometers; mean ± SD; n = 21). Stimuli illuminating the dendrites but not the soma consistently evoked light responses (31).partial correspondence
The accompanying report (12) shows that RGCs projecting to the SCN are directly sensitive to the light. Collator note: the semantic relationship between these two cell populations is "partially corresponds" due to the lack of evidence that all light-sensitive RGCs project only to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and to the lack of evidence that SCN receives retina input only from light-sensitive RGCs.Hattar S., Liao H.-W., Takao M., Berson D.M. & Yau K.-W.Mihail Bota
retinal ganglion cell type IIIPerry (Perry)

Type III cells have small bodies but they have the largest range of dendritic field sizes (see table 1). The dendrites of this cell class branch less frequently than those of the other classes. This group of cells encompasses a slightly wider variety of dendritic morphology, than the other three classes.is included
Morphologically, these neurons fit within the type III group of rat RGCs (17), especially tyose shown to be intrinsically photosensitive (12)Hattar S., Liao H.-W., Takao M., Berson D.M. & Yau K.-W.Mihail Bota
glutamate/PACAP expressing retinal ganglion cellHannibal et al. (Hannibal)

In the retina PACAP immunoreactivity was located to a homogeneous population of retinal ganglion cells with two to four thin, sparsely branching processes (Fig. 2A). Most processes seemed to radiatel horizontally in the ganglion cell layer towards the optic disc via the optic nerve. Other processes projected through the inner plexiform layer towards the inner nuclear layer in which they seemed to may synaptic contact (Fig. 3A).synonim
Because an identical distribution of cells containing PACAP immunoreactivity was observed (Fig. 1F,I ), we investigated whether melanopsin and PACAP were present in the same ganglion cells using either melanopsin mRNA probes for in situ hybridization histochemistry or the melanopsin antibody in combination with PACAP immunostaining. Melanopsin was demonstrated exclusively in the PACAP-containing retinal ganglion cells and in a few PACAP-expressing displaced ganglion or displaced amacrine cells (Figs. 2–4).Hannibal J., Hinderson P., Knudsen S.M. & Fahrenkrug J.Mihail Bota