Cell details

2CA amacrine retinal cell, nomenclature (acronym): Nguyen-Legros et al. (NL)

Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of 2CA amacrine retinal cell
AnnotationReference Collator
TH-immunoreactive small amacrine cellVersaux-Boteri et al (VB)

Small, faintly immunoreactive round somas (7 ± 0.2 micrometers) were also observed in the amacrine cell layer (Figs. 11, 15). It was exceptional to observe the processes of these cells but it is likely that they represented the bouquet cells described previously in young animals, since they sometimes exhibited a short single dendrite. Some of these cells were observed in close contact with cell bodies (Fig. 4).synonym
The type 2CAcells (alternatively called small THI-CA cells, CA2 cells, or B cells) are small, weakly TH-I neurons projecting to sublayer 3 of the IPL. In rats, their processes are so tiny and so weakly labeled that they appear in sections as unipolar neurons with a Tau bifurcation in the middle of the IPL.Nguyen-Legros J., Versaux-Botteri C. & Savy C.Mihail Bota