Cell details

Tree of the reciprocal GABA-IR neuron, cerebellar nuclei, nomenclature (acronym): Batini et al. (Batini)







projection interneuron



nucleocortical neuron



reciprocal projections neuron, cerebellar nuclei



Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of reciprocal GABA-IR neuron, cerebellar nuclei
AnnotationReference Collator
GABA-IR neuron, cerebellar nucleiBatini et al. (Batini)

GABA-IR cell diameters were very similar in the three nuclei, ranging from 5 to 22.5 micrometers with a peak near 10 micrometers (Fig. 5A). These results showed that the GABA-IR neurons of the cerebellar nuclei are a rather homogeneous population of small cells.is included
In each of the three nuclei examined, only a small proportion of the total number of retrogradely labeled NCN was found to be GABA-IR. Furthermore, the proportions of NCN containing GABA were very similar whether the nuclei gave reciprocal or symmetrical projections.Batini C., Compoint C, Buisseret-Delmas C., Daniel H. & Guegan M.Mihail Bota