Cell details

GAD67 neuron, nomenclature (acronym): Herman et al. (Herman)

Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of GAD67 neuron
AnnotationReference Collator
GABA-IR neuron, BSTSun and Cassell (SC)

Only GABA-IR neurons in the anterolateral BNST were adequately Golgi-impregnated (Figs. 9 and 10). These cells have round perikarya with moderate to densely spiny dendrites and closely resembled the medium-sized sipiny neurons described by McDonald ('83) and also identified here in the CeL (cf. cells N1 in Figs 7 and 9). Collator note: the anterolateral BNST of Sun and Cassell may correspond to BSTov, BSTal and BSTju, and possibly includes BSTad, of Swanson 1998. Compare Fig 3. A-D with Atlas Levels 18-20 of the Swanson 1998 rat atlas. synonim
Collator note: GAD67 neurons considered to be the same population with in the GABA-IR neurons of Cassell; see also Poulin et al, 2009.Cullinan WE, Herman JP, Watson SJ.Mihail Bota
Enk-ir neuronAd-hoc (Ad-hoc)

Generic class of neurons defined on the basis of cell body immunostaining with ENK (met- and leu-) antisera.is included
Collator note: GAD65 neurons coexpress perfectly Enk in all anterior divisions of the BST. The second subpopulation of ENK-ir neurons expresses vGLLUT2.Poulin J-F., Arbour D., Laforest S. & Drolet G.Mihail Bota