Cell details

star pyramid, nomenclature (acronym): SSp-layer IV-morphology, general (W.)

Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of star pyramid
AnnotationReference Collator
modified pyramidal neuronSSp-layer IV-morphology, general (W.)

Modified pyramidal neurons were characterized by the presence of an apical dendrite that projected superficially and gave rise to densely spined ‘daughter segments’ (Simons and Woolsey, 1984).The remainder of the dendrites of modified pyramidal cells projected radially in all directions. Modified pyramidal cells and multipolar cells had at least three primary dendritic processes issuing from the soma. The overall number of dendrites found on these cells varied, as did the overall dendritic pattern. Modified pyramidal neurons have been described in both the rat (star pyramid; Simons and Woolsey, 1984) and the mouse (modified pyramidal cell; White, 1978).synonym
Modified pyramidal neurons have been described in both the rat (star pyramid; Simons and Woolsey, 1984) and the mouse (modified pyramidal cell; White, 1978).Elston G.N., Pow D.V. & Calford M.B.Mihail Bota