Cell details

spiny multipolar neuron, nomenclature (acronym): SSp-layer IV-morphology, general (W.)

Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of spiny multipolar neuron
AnnotationReference Collator
spinous layer IV first varietySSp-layer IV-morphology, general (W.)

The first variety of class I cell resembles the spiny “stellate” cell described by other observers in various cortices and species (see Lund, 1984). Four to six dendrites radiate from a round soma approximately 6-8 micrometers in diameter. These dendrites are of equivalent thickness and in many cases radiate from the cell body in all directions to form a dendritic “field” that is largely restricted to layer IV. Spiny “stellate” cells are found almost exclusively in layer IV where they are distributed fairly evenly throughout its thickness, with a slight preponderance in the more superficial part of layer IV [...]. Other cells, which otherwise closely resemble these, have eccentrically oriented dendritic arbors which arise from a restricted part of the soma. The cell bodies of these neurons are found typically near a barrel side or at the layer IV-V boundary, and [...} their dendrites project toward the barrel center or follow closely the barrel side.synonim
Collator note: the descriptions of these classes are basically identical.Elston G.N., Pow D.V. & Calford M.B.Mihail Bota