Cell details

Tree of the narrow-field bistratified amacrine cell, nomenclature (acronym): Perry (Perry)







local interneuron



retinal amacrine cell



stratified amacrine cell



bistratified amacrine cell



Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of narrow-field bistratified amacrine cell
AnnotationReference Collator
AII amacrine cellWassle (Wassle)

Figure 1A,B shows an AII-amacrine cell injected in a retinal slice. The combined phase contrast and fluorescence micrograph of Figure 1A shows the position of the cell body at the INL/IPL border and the stout primary dendrite. Lobular appendages in Figure 1A,B are found at the outer third of the IPL, where they originate from the soma and the primary dendrite. In the inner two-thirds of the IPL, the primary dendrite branches repeatedly to form a conical arborization. The cell body of the LY-filled cell in this view (Fig. 1C) has a diameter of approximately 9-11 micrometers. The lobular appendages (Fig. 1D) cover-depending on the eccentricity-an oval to circular field between 20 pm and 30 pm diameter. The arboreal dendritic field (Fig. 1E) is well filled with fine dendritic branches, and its diameter is between 30 micrometers in central and 50 micrometers diameter in peripheral retina. When focusing through an injected AII-cell, the lobular appendages and the arboreal dendritic field are often offset with respect to the cell body, indicating that the AII cell, like the one illustrated in Figure 1A,B, is not precisely vertically oriented.synonym
AII-amacrines in the rat retina were first described by Perry and Walker ('80) from Golgi-staining.The second type of amacrine cell revealed by PVi immunocytochemistry was much more numerous, and from its morphological appearance (Fig. 2B) we were convinced that we had stained the AII-population.Wassle H, Grunert U & Rohrenbeck JMihail Bota