Cell details

Tree of the retinal ganglion cell C1, nomenclature (acronym): Huxlin and Goodchild (HG)







projection interneuron



retinal ganglion cell



retinal ganglion cell C



Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of retinal ganglion cell C1
AnnotationReference Collator
MTN-projecting retinal ganglion cellDann (Dann)

All cells labelled with HRP after injection into the MTN were of uniform medium size and, without exception, were confined to the retinal ganglion cell layer. ... Cells projecting to the MTN were characterised by extensively, most dichotomously, branched dendrites which had a beaded appearance and very thin intersections (Fig. 10A-D). In the rat, unlike the cells projecting to the MTN in the rabbit (Bull and Peichl, 1986), there was no pronounced difference in the appearance of ganglion cells that projected to the MTN from superior (Fig. 10B, C), as opposed to inferior (Fig. 10A, D) retina. From either retinal location,cells had simlar dendritic branching patterns and density of branching. Somas were approximately centrally located in most cells; however, in some instances the cell body was placed peripherally in the field. There was some variation in soma and dendritic field area, which apparently reflects some degree of individual variation between cells, since no consistent pattern of variation with eccentricity could be found for rat. Throughout the entire rat retina, irrespective of retinal location, the morphology of ganglion cells projecting to the MTN was essentially the same (Fig. 11).synonym
Altough only a small number of them (C1 retinal ganglion cells) were labelled, they resemble the medial terminal (MTN) nucleus-projecting cells described by Dann & Buhl (1987).Huxlin K.R & Goodchild A.K.Mihail Bota