Details about the neuroanatomical projections from SBPV to PAGvl

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
64679 Subparaventricular zonePeriaqueductal gray ventrolateral division lightPHAL
Data directly collated from Table 1, pages 160-161.
Canteras N.S., Ribeiro-Barbosa E.R., Goto M., Cipolla-Neto J. & Swanson L.W., 2011
71428 Subparaventricular zonePeriaqueductal gray ventrolateral division lightPHAL
Collator note: data collated from Table 1, pages 160-161.
Canteras N.S., Ribeiro-Barbosa E.R., Goto M., Cipolla-Neto J. & Swanson L.W., 2011
General description technique/protocol: Injection in the ventromedial part of the SBPV close to the rostral part of the AHN and the optic tract, case number AHNr4, see Table 1 pages 160-161

Further details associated to record number 71428:
Position of injection: everywhere
Topological position of injection: is contained
Extension of injection outside: none
The injection was performed in: left hemisphere
Position of terminal field: not known
Topological position of terminal field: is contained
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: ipsilateral