Details about the neuroanatomical projections from SC to PG

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
498 Superior colliculusPontine gray existsHRP/WGA
Case pg154, fig2. Soma notes A large centrally-located (WGA-HRP) inj with a central zone that extended across all collicular lvls. Slight invasion of intermed blue/white zone of ?PPT, NOT & dorlat PAG. Same main features in 5 other large & some similarities with small injs. Terminal notes ipsilaterally descending pathway: mass of intensely labelled fibres ?travel ventrally to innervate pontine nuclei.
Redgrave P, Mitchell IJ, Dean P., 1987
499 Superior colliculusPontine gray moderateHRP/WGA
Case pg159, fig2. Soma notes A large centrally-located (WGA-HRP) inj with a central zone that extended across all collicular lvls. Slight invasion of intermed blue/white zone of ?PPT, NOT & dorlat PAG. Same main features in 5 other large & some similarities with small injs. Terminal notes Some fibres continue ventrally until they reach the pons where dense terminal label can be seen at the margin of the pyramidal tractr, and in puffs in the lateral pontine nuclei. Puffs not observed after injections more medial than 2302..
Redgrave P, Mitchell IJ, Dean P., 1987
919 Superior colliculusPontine gray lightHRP/WGA
Case pg162, fig5,6. Soma notes Injection site --WGA-HRP- centred on the lateral part of the intermediate white layer. Intermediate blue-white zone extended across all collicular layers and encroached slighlty onto underlying tegmentum. Terminal notes Small amount of lighter label in medial pontine nucleus. contra..
Redgrave P, Mitchell IJ, Dean P., 1987
929 Superior colliculusPontine gray existsHRP/WGA
Case pg154, fig2. Soma notes A large centrally-located (WGA-HRP) inj with a central zone that extended across all collicular lvls. Slight invasion of intermed blue/white zone of ?PPT, NOT & dorlat PAG. Same main features in 5 other large & some similarities with small injs. Terminal notes ipsilaterally descending pathway: mass of intensely labelled fibres ?travel ventrally to innervate pontine nuclei.
Redgrave P, Mitchell IJ, Dean P., 1987
930 Superior colliculusPontine gray moderateHRP/WGA
Case pg159, fig2. Soma notes A large centrally-located (WGA-HRP) inj with a central zone that extended across all collicular lvls. Slight invasion of intermed blue/white zone of ?PPT, NOT & dorlat PAG. Same main features in 5 other large & some similarities with small injs. Terminal notes Some fibres continue ventrally until they reach the pons where dense terminal label can be seen at the margin of the pyramidal tractr, and in puffs in the lateral pontine nuclei. Puffs not observed after injections more medial than 2302..
Redgrave P, Mitchell IJ, Dean P., 1987
General description technique/protocol: not provided

Further details associated to record number 499:
Position of injection: not known
Topological position of injection: N/A
Extension of injection outside: none
The injection was performed in: unknown
Position of terminal field: not known
Topological position of terminal field: N/A
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: ipsilateral