Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PRNc to VTA

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
561 Pontine reticular nucleus caudal partVentral tegmental area moderateautoradiography
Case pg516, fig2. Soma notes Case R16?As shown in fig1A, the injection was centred within the nucleus pontis caudalis at the level of the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve.. Terminal notes In addition to significant terminal labeling in FF/ZI, labeled axons of the ventral bundle distributed to a widespread region ?included the ?ventral tegmental area.
Vertes RP, Martin GF., 1988
562 Pontine reticular nucleus caudal partVentral tegmental area lightautoradiography
Case table1. Soma notes RPC from table1, density of autographic labeling present in nuclei of the brainstem and forebrain produces by [3H]leucine injections in RPC. --This is no guarantee of terminal labeling-. Terminal notes ventral tegmental area. Tab1: +.
Vertes RP, Martin GF., 1988
General description technique/protocol: not provided

Further details associated to record number 562:
Position of injection: not known
Topological position of injection: N/A
Extension of injection outside: none
The injection was performed in: unknown
Position of terminal field: not known
Topological position of terminal field: N/A
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: ipsilateral