Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PGRNl to PVHpml

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
6782 Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus lateral partParaventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part, lateral zone existstrue blue/immunocytochemistry/autoradiography
ipsilateral. Collator note: projection originating from A1 noradrenergic group of ventrolateral medulla
Sawchenko P.E., Swanson L.W., 1981
6783 Paragigantocellular reticular nucleus lateral partParaventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, magnocellular division, posterior magnocellular part, lateral zone existstrue blue/immunocytochemistry/autoradiography
contralateral. Collator note: projection originating from A1 noradrenergic group of ventrolateral medulla
Sawchenko P.E., Swanson L.W., 1981
General description technique/protocol: none provided

Further details associated to record number 6783:
Position of injection: not known
Topological position of injection: N/A
Extension of injection outside: none
The injection was performed in: unknown
Position of terminal field: not known
Topological position of terminal field: N/A
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: contralateral