Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AUDp to VISC

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
89264 Primary auditory areaVisceral area light/moderatePHAL
Collator note: the terminal field that starts in the dorsal part of Aip ends dorsomedially in the SSs. Thus, VISC is assumed to be labeled in this case, in its caudalmost part. See Fig. 3A, Swanson Atlas Levels 27-29.
Mascagni F., McDonald A.J. & Coleman J.R., 1993
General description technique/protocol: Four rats received injections of PHA-L into the core of Tel (R31, R27, R66 and R67; Fig. 1B). Collator note: experiment R67, the injection site is mapped onto AUDp, Swanson Atlas. The injection shown in Fig. 2A is mapped onto Swanson Atlas Levels 36-38 (the position and the extent of MGd and MGv, the CA1-CA3 fields shapes, and the stria terminalis around the auditory thalamic nuclei were taken as landmarks), where the AUDp has the maximal dorso-ventral extent. It is possible that the tracer spilled in the AUDv rostrally and TEv caudally.

Further details associated to record number 89264:
Position of injection: not known
Topological position of injection: identical
Extension of injection outside: small
The injection was performed in: right hemisphere
Position of terminal field: caudal
Topological position of terminal field: is contained
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: ipsilateral