Details about the neuroanatomical projections from SSp to MOp

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
90043 Primary somatosensory areaPrimary motor area strongHRP
In the parietal cortex most of the labeled cells are situated in the dysgranular field of SI (Figs. 3D,E, 4). Here, they are most numerous in layer II, the upper three-quarters of layer III, the upper part of layer V (layer Va), and in the deepest part of layer VI (Fig. 4). Collator note: strong labeling of the rostral two thirds of the SSp. See Fig 3C-F, Swanson Atlas Levels 12-26.
Donoghue JP, Parham C., 1983
90044 Primary somatosensory areaPrimary motor area moderateHRP
the granular field labeled cells are mainly contained in a compact band in layer Va, and usually only few cells are present in layer III, except near the edges of granule cell aggregates where a greater number of labeled cells is commonly present (Fig. 3C).
Donoghue JP, Parham C., 1983
90048 Primary somatosensory areaPrimary motor area lightHRP
few labeled cells are present near the border of parietal and occipital cortex (Fig. 3H,I). Collator note: weak labeling of the lateral part of the caudal SSp. Swanson Atlas Levels 32-33.
Donoghue JP, Parham C., 1983
90053 Primary somatosensory areaPrimary motor area light/moderateHRP
Collator note: labeled neurons in the rostral SSp, dorsolateral part, close to the border with the SSp. See Fig. 4C, Swanson Atlas Levels 13-15.
Donoghue JP, Parham C., 1983
General description technique/protocol: Collator note: case PM17, large HRP injection into the rostral MOp. The core of the injection is completely included in the MOp, and the halo has a moderate involvement in the Mos. The injection site is labeled here otno Swanson Atlas Levels 9-13.

Further details associated to record number 90043:
Position of injection: rostral
Topological position of injection: identical
Extension of injection outside: moderate
The injection was performed in: left hemisphere
Position of terminal field: rostral
Topological position of terminal field: is contained
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: ipsilateral