Details about the neuroanatomical projections from SSs to MOp

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
90045 Supplemental somatosensory areaPrimary motor area moderateHRP
Labeled cells are also present in the area of the second somatic sensory cortex (SII) in the same laminar arrangement as in the dysgranular cortex (Fig. 3E-G). Collator note: Swanson Atlas Leevls 22-28, label of the caulda l half of the SSs. Labeled neurons are found in layers II, III and VI.
Donoghue JP, Parham C., 1983
90050 Supplemental somatosensory areaPrimary motor area light/moderateHRP
Collator note: labeled cells in the caudal SSs, grouped in the ventral part in this level. Labeled cells are found in layers II-III and VI. See Fig. 3G, Swanson Atlas Levels 26-27.
Donoghue JP, Parham C., 1983
90054 Supplemental somatosensory areaPrimary motor area moderate/strongHRP
Collator note: quite strong field in the caudal SSs, in the general form of a column. All layers are labeled but layers II-III and VI are mostly labeled. See Fig. 7D, Swanson Atlas Levels 26-27.
Donoghue JP, Parham C., 1983
General description technique/protocol: Collator note: case PM17, large HRP injection into the rostral MOp. The core of the injection is completely included in the MOp, and the halo has a moderate involvement in the Mos. The injection site is labeled here otno Swanson Atlas Levels 9-13.

Further details associated to record number 90050:
Position of injection: rostral
Topological position of injection: identical
Extension of injection outside: moderate
The injection was performed in: left hemisphere
Position of terminal field: caudal
Topological position of terminal field: is contained
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: ipsilateral