Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to PPN

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Report IDSending structure Receiving structureProjection strengthTechniqueGeneral description projectionCollatorAssociated reference
70638 Infralimbic areaPedunculopontine nucleus light/moderatePHAL
Collator note. The terminal field in PB may extend ventrally into PPN, see Fig 3L, M. Fig 3L-M roughly corresponds to Swanson Atlas Levels 47-51.
Hurley KM, Herbert H, Moga MM, Saper CB., 1991
General description technique/protocol: Collator note: Case R651, the injection covers ILA (ILC as in this reference and the dorsal peduncular cortex) with small extension in the ventral prelimbic cortex, the medial orbital cortex rostrally, and ventrally possible spill in the dorsal part of the TT. The injection is shown in Figure 1B and it was mapped by us on Levels 9-10, Swanson-2004 Atlas.

Further details associated to record number 70638:
Position of injection: everywhere
Topological position of injection: identical
Extension of injection outside: small
The injection was performed in: left hemisphere
Position of terminal field: dorsal
Topological position of terminal field: is contained
Extension of terminal field outside: none
The terminal field was found: ipsilateral