CSV export
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to SI
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2682 | Infralimbic area | Substantia innominata | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes medial parts of ventral pallidum & sublenticular SI. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to ACB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2683 | Infralimbic area | Nucleus accumbens | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to CP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2684 | Infralimbic area | Caudoputamen | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to FS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2685 | Infralimbic area | Fundus of the striatum | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to LPO
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2686 | Infralimbic area | Lateral preoptic area | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to MPO
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2687 | Infralimbic area | Medial preoptic area | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to OT
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2688 | Infralimbic area | Olfactory tubercle | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to PIR
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2689 | Infralimbic area | Piriform area | exists | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes dorsal peduncular cortex. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to MS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2690 | Infralimbic area | Medial septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ILA to NDB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2691 | Infralimbic area | Nucleus of the diagonal band | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AId to SI
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2693 | Agranular insular area dorsal part | Substantia innominata | moderate | PHAL | Case pg573, fig9. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes magnocellular basal nucleus. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AId to CP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2694 | Agranular insular area dorsal part | Caudoputamen | moderate | PHAL | Case pg573, fig9. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes ventrolateral corner. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AId to FS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2695 | Agranular insular area dorsal part | Fundus of the striatum | moderate | PHAL | Case pg573, fig9. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes dense plexus covers FS. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AId to MS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2696 | Agranular insular area dorsal part | Medial septal nucleus | exists | PHAL | Case pg573, fig9. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AId to NDB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2697 | Agranular insular area dorsal part | Nucleus of the diagonal band | light | PHAL | Case pg573, fig9. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes horizonal, but vertical devoid of labelling. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AId to GP
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Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2692 | Agranular insular area dorsal part | Globus pallidus | moderate | PHAL | Case pg573, fig9. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes ventral. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AIp to SI
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Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2699 | Agranular insular area posterior part | Substantia innominata | exists | PHAL | Case pg573. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes SLSI. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AIp to ACB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2700 | Agranular insular area posterior part | Nucleus accumbens | exists | PHAL | Case pg573. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AIp to CP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2701 | Agranular insular area posterior part | Caudoputamen | exists | PHAL | Case pg573. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AIp to FS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2702 | Agranular insular area posterior part | Fundus of the striatum | exists | PHAL | Case pg573. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AIp to OT
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2703 | Agranular insular area posterior part | Olfactory tubercle | exists | PHAL | Case pg573. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from AIp to GP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2698 | Agranular insular area posterior part | Globus pallidus | exists | PHAL | Case pg573. Soma notes PHA-L inj. Terminal notes ventral. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBl to SI
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2705 | Orbital area lateral part | Substantia innominata | exists | PHAL | Case pg572-3, fig8. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to lateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes labeled fibres enter ant head of CPu & traverse central part of ventral CPu in caudal dirn. Along route, labeled axons run ventrally to FSt, VP, SI & lateral & intermediate aspects of HDB. --label dens based on fig8--. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBl to CP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2706 | Orbital area lateral part | Caudoputamen | exists | PHAL | Case pg572-3, fig8. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to lateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes labeled fibres enter ant head of CPu & traverse central part of ventral CPu in caudal dirn. Along route, labeled axons run ventrally to FSt, VP, SI & lateral & intermediate aspects of HDB. --label dens based on fig8--. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBl to FS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2707 | Orbital area lateral part | Fundus of the striatum | exists | PHAL | Case pg572-3, fig8. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to lateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes labeled fibres enter ant head of CPu & traverse central part of ventral CPu in caudal dirn. Along route, labeled axons run ventrally to FSt, VP, SI & lateral & intermediate aspects of HDB. --label dens based on fig8--. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBl to NDB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2708 | Orbital area lateral part | Nucleus of the diagonal band | exists | PHAL | Case pg572-3, fig8. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to lateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes A dense network of labeled fibres is present in zone interstitiated in between HDB & Tu, which continues in anteromedial dirnn invading ventral part of caudal VDB. --label dens based on fig8--. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBl to GP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2704 | Orbital area lateral part | Globus pallidus | exists | PHAL | Case pg572-3, fig8. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to lateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes At more caudal lvl, labeled axons diverge from ventromedial aspects of GP & capsula interna in ventral direction. Fibres invade sublenticular SI & caudal part of HDB. --label dens based on fig8--. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBm to SI
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2709 | Orbital area medial part | Substantia innominata | exists | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: diagonal band nuclei: (DPC case135: anterior pole of VDB, fibres traverse NDB area & abundantly innervate VDB & HDBm). | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 | |
3977 | Orbital area medial part | Substantia innominata | exists | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: diagonal band nuclei: (DPC case135: anterior pole of VDB, fibres traverse NDB area & abundantly innervate VDB & HDBm). | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBm to ACB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2710 | Orbital area medial part | Nucleus accumbens | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes There is a strong innervation of medial segments of both CPu & Acn in a similar fashion to projections originating in PL & IL ???. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 | |
3973 | Orbital area medial part | Nucleus accumbens | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes There is a strong innervation of medial segments of both CPu & Acn in a similar fashion to projections originating in PL & IL ???. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBm to CP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2711 | Orbital area medial part | Caudoputamen | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes There is a strong innervation of medial segments of both CPu & Acn in a similar fashion to projections originating in PL & IL ???. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 | |
3974 | Orbital area medial part | Caudoputamen | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes There is a strong innervation of medial segments of both CPu & Acn in a similar fashion to projections originating in PL & IL ???. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBm to MS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2713 | Orbital area medial part | Medial septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: septal area: (DPC case135: dense terminal field in LSm invades lateral 1/2 MS) although terminal plexus in LSm far less prominent. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 | |
3976 | Orbital area medial part | Medial septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: septal area: (DPC case135: dense terminal field in LSm invades lateral 1/2 MS) although terminal plexus in LSm far less prominent. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBm to NDB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2714 | Orbital area medial part | Nucleus of the diagonal band | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: medial part of SI: (DPC case135: numerous fibres traverse sublenticular SI, medially & ventrally passing the clusters of MBN cholinergic neurons at some dist.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 | |
3972 | Orbital area medial part | Nucleus of the diagonal band | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: medial part of SI: (DPC case135: numerous fibres traverse sublenticular SI, medially & ventrally passing the clusters of MBN cholinergic neurons at some dist.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBm to LS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2712 | Orbital area medial part | Lateral septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: septal area: (DPC case135: dense terminal field in LSm invades lateral 1/2 MS) although terminal plexus in LSm far less prominent. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 | |
3975 | Orbital area medial part | Lateral septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570. Soma notes In 5 other cases more than one cortex area was involved, RG16: MO, IL, & DPC. PHA-L injections --In fig1 injection seems completely enclosed in MO-. Terminal notes Basal forebrain projs from MO comparable to DPC efferents: septal area: (DPC case135: dense terminal field in LSm invades lateral 1/2 MS) although terminal plexus in LSm far less prominent. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBvl to SI
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2716 | Orbital area ventrolateral part | Substantia innominata | exists | PHAL | Case pg572, fig7. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to ventrolateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes A contigent reaches anteromedial segment of ic, turns ventrally into VP & terminates abundantly in medial & intermediate parts of HDB. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBvl to CP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2717 | Orbital area ventrolateral part | Caudoputamen | moderate | PHAL | Case pg572, fig7. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to ventrolateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes Bundles course through medial part of ventral CPu & project intensely to circumscribed areas in medial part of CPu.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBvl to GP
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2715 | Orbital area ventrolateral part | Globus pallidus | exists | PHAL | Case pg572, fig7. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to ventrolateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes More caudally labeled fascicles traverse ventromedial part of GP & diverge into medial aspect of sublenticular SI & GP whre a small number of fibres reached the MBN cholinergic cells.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from ORBvl to MBO
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2718 | Orbital area ventrolateral part | Mammillary body | light | PHAL | Case pg572, fig7. Soma notes PHA-L inj confined to ventrolateral orbital cortex.. Terminal notes More caudally labeled fascicles traverse ventromedial part of GP & diverge into medial aspect of sublenticular SI & GP whre a small number of fibres reached the MBN cholinergic cells.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PL to SI
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2719 | Prelimbic area | Substantia innominata | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes ventral pallidum and sunlenticular SI. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PL to CP
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Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2720 | Prelimbic area | Caudoputamen | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes medial, dense plexus of terminals. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PL to FS
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Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2721 | Prelimbic area | Fundus of the striatum | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes medial, dense plexus of terminals. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PL to LPO
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Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2722 | Prelimbic area | Lateral preoptic area | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PL to OT
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Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2723 | Prelimbic area | Olfactory tubercle | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes medial, dense plexus of terminals. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PL to MS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2724 | Prelimbic area | Medial septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes small number of labelled fibres and terminals. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PL to NDB
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Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
2725 | Prelimbic area | Nucleus of the diagonal band | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig3. Soma notes PHA-L inj, fig3 PL/ILA. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PIR to SI
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
3525 | Piriform area | Substantia innominata | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig6. Soma notes PHA-L inj into dorsal peduncular cortex. Terminal notes sublenticular. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PIR to FS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
3526 | Piriform area | Fundus of the striatum | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig6. Soma notes PHA-L inj into dorsal peduncular cortex. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PIR to OT
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
3527 | Piriform area | Olfactory tubercle | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig6. Soma notes PHA-L inj into dorsal peduncular cortex. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PIR to MS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
3528 | Piriform area | Medial septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig6. Soma notes PHA-L inj into dorsal peduncular cortex. Terminal notes lateral half. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PIR to NDB
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
3529 | Piriform area | Nucleus of the diagonal band | moderate | PHAL | Case pg570, fig6. Soma notes PHA-L inj into dorsal peduncular cortex. Terminal notes not specified.. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |
Details about the neuroanatomical projections from PIR to LS
To view more data and metadata associated with each report, click on its ID.
Report ID | Sending structure | Receiving structure | Projection strength | Technique | General description projection | Collator | Associated reference |
3530 | Piriform area | Lateral septal nucleus | light | PHAL | Case pg570, fig6. Soma notes PHA-L inj into dorsal peduncular cortex. Terminal notes remarkably dense terminal field. | Gaykema RP, van Weeghel R, Hersh LB, Luiten PG., 1991 |
General description technique/protocol: not provided |