The reference The afferent connections of the main and the accessory olfactory bulb formations in the rat: an experimental HRP-study, authors de Olmos, J., Hardy, R., and Heimer, L., published in J Comp Neurol was cited in relation with the following nomenclatures:

StructureAbbreviationSpeciesAtlas (Version)Annotations
anterior olfactory nucleus dorsal partAODMousePaxinos/Franklin (Paxinos/Franklin-2001)
anterior olfactory nucleus external partAOEMousePaxinos/Franklin (Paxinos/Franklin-2001)
anterior olfactory nucleus lateral partAOLMousePaxinos/Franklin (Paxinos/Franklin-2001)
anterior olfactory nucleus medial partAOMMousePaxinos/Franklin (Paxinos/Franklin-2001)
anterior olfactory nucleus posterior partAOPMousePaxinos/Franklin (Paxinos/Franklin-2001)