Afferent connections
List of regions which send connections to: V4 |
| Visual area V1 (V1) | Visual area V2 (V2) | Visual area V3 (V3) | Ventral posterior (VP) | Visual area V3A (V3A) | V4 transitional (V4t) | Middle temporal (MT) | Floor of superior temporal (FST) | Posterior inferotemporal (ventral) (PITv) |
Projecting region |
Highest qualitative strength |
Number of reports | Collator(s) |
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
exists | Mihail Bota
| |