Inferred network

R(Retina) → SC(Superior colliculus)
SC(Superior colliculus) → SUBv(Subiculum ventral part)
SUBv(Subiculum ventral part) → LHA(Lateral hypothalamic area)

Support information about direct projections from Retina to Superior colliculus:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
RetinaSuperior colliculus existsnot knownHRP
Case pg463, fig3. Soma notes small area of temporal R, very sparse, ipsilateral projection to SC smaller than ips projection to LG. Terminal notes 3 rats with (HRP) injections aimed at the superior colliculus of one hemisphere, only small region of ipislateral SC contains label. --No mention of contralateral R-SC connection--.
Cowey A, Perry VH., 1979
RetinaSuperior colliculus lightnot knownHRP
Case pg30, fig9C. Soma notes 1195 cells labelled in 0.46 mm2 patch. Terminal notes HRP inj.
Dreher B, Sefton AJ, Ni SY, Nisbett G., 1985
RetinaSuperior colliculus strongnot knownCholera toxin conjugated to HRP
Case pg352. Soma notes 36 female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-350g. 10 microliters of CT-HRP(.20%-.40%) were injected into one eye ?behind the lens into the vitreous chamber of the eye. pressure injection over 1 min. Terminal notes The label in the dorsal geniculate, pretectal area, and superior colliculus is so intense that we were unable to resolve whether these fibres come from the retino-geniculate path, the retino-tectal path or both..
Levine JD, Weiss ML, Rosenwasser AM, Miselis RR., 1991
RetinaSuperior colliculus existsnot knownLesion studies
Case pg1235-6, fig4. Soma notes retinal lesions produced with a laser opthalmoscape. Terminal notes gave degeneration of variable extent within the superior colliculus..
Reese BE, Cowey A., 1983

Support information about direct projections from Superior colliculus to Subiculum ventral part:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Superior colliculusSubiculum ventral part existsnot knownfluorescent tracers
Case pg600, table1. Soma notes Long projections to the superior colliculus arose from neurons in both {5,6} of Rga. Terminal notes retrograde labeling experiments (FB/FG).
van Groen T, Wyss JM., 1990

Support information about direct projections from Subiculum ventral part to Lateral hypothalamic area:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Subiculum ventral partLateral hypothalamic area light/moderatenot knownbiotinylated dextran amine (BDA)
Collator note: labeling of the LHA, just above the optic tract. See Fig. 3A, Swanson Atlas Levels 26-27.
Kishi T., Tsumori T., Yokota S. & Yasui Y. , 2006