Inferred network

R(Retina) → AV(Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus)
AV(Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus) → RSPv(Retrosplenial area ventral part)
RSPv(Retrosplenial area ventral part) → ILA(Infralimbic area)
ILA(Infralimbic area) → LHA(Lateral hypothalamic area)

Support information about direct projections from Retina to Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
RetinaAnteroventral nucleus of thalamus existsnot knownCholera toxin conjugated to HRP
Case pg353-4. Soma notes 36 female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-350g. 10 microliters of CT-HRP(.20%-.40%) were injected into one eye ?behind the lens into the vitreous chamber of the eye. pressure injection over 1 min. Terminal notes fibres can be seen in stria terminalis coursing rostrally from these more caudal levels. This pathway gives rise to the thalamic label reported earlier (anterior dorsal, anterior ventral thalamic nuc. and bed nuc. of the stria terminalis.).
Levine JD, Weiss ML, Rosenwasser AM, Miselis RR., 1991

Support information about direct projections from Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus to Retrosplenial area ventral part:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Anteroventral nucleus of thalamusRetrosplenial area ventral part lightnot knownPHAL
Case pg536, fig6. Soma notes After an injection into dorsolateral part of AV at midrostrocaudal level (R532)
Shibata H., 1993
Anteroventral nucleus of thalamusRetrosplenial area ventral part lightnot knownPHAL
Case pg536, fig5. Soma notes In cases R506 with an injection into the ventromedial part of AV with midrostrocaudal level
Shibata H., 1993
Anteroventral nucleus of thalamusRetrosplenial area ventral part lightnot knownfluorescent tracers
Case pg148, fig5. Soma notes In AV most labelled neurons were confined to the ventral 1/3 & were present in both parvo- and magnocellular subnuclei. There was a slight ros to cau preference shift, ros: more cells in parv. cau: more cells in magn.. Terminal notes a 50nl inj of FB was placed into the ant. retroplenial granular a & b cortex. The inj. extended up to but did not appear encroach on the corpus callosum or the deep white matter. extends approx 0.5-2.0mm cau to ant border of Rgb. No spill into agran RSP.
Sripanidkulchai K, Wyss JM., 1986

Support information about direct projections from Retrosplenial area ventral part to Infralimbic area:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Retrosplenial area ventral partInfralimbic area existsnot knownfluorescent tracers
none provided
Swanson L.W., 1981
Retrosplenial area ventral partInfralimbic area lightnot knownFluorogold
A few labeled cells were present dorsomedially in AC, extending caudally to RSC […]. Collator note: Fig. 8L, Swanson Atlas Level 28. Layers III-IV are weakly labeled.
Hoover W.B. & Vertes R.P, 2007

Support information about direct projections from Infralimbic area to Lateral hypothalamic area:
Sending structure Receiving structureStrength of projection Type of connectionTechniqueGeneral descriptionCollatorAssociated reference
Infralimbic areaLateral hypothalamic area lightnot knownHRP/WGA
Case pg267, fig12. Soma notes not specified.. Terminal notes WGA-HRP inj.
Hurley KM, Herbert H, Moga MM, Saper CB., 1991
Infralimbic areaLateral hypothalamic area strongnot knownPHAL
Collator note: PHAL injection in the central part of the PL, Swanson Atlas Levels 9-10. The characteristic shape of the anterior forceps of the claustrum was taken as landmark.
Fisk G.A. & Wyss J.M., 2000
Infralimbic areaLateral hypothalamic area moderatenot knownPHAL
[...] principal target was the lateral hypothalamic area, in particular its ventrolateral and perifornical regions (Figs. 3D-G, 5C,D). Although innervation of the anterior part of the lateral hypothalamic area was scant, varicose fibers running in a mediolateral direction were prominent in the retrochiasmatic area.
Hurley KM, Herbert H, Moga MM, Saper CB., 1991
Infralimbic areaLateral hypothalamic area strongnot knownPHAL
[...] principal target was the lateral hypothalamic area, in particular its ventrolateral and perifornical regions (Figs. 3D-G, 5C,D). Although innervation of the anterior part of the lateral hypothalamic area was scant, varicose fibers running in a mediolateral direction were prominent in the retrochiasmatic area.
Hurley KM, Herbert H, Moga MM, Saper CB., 1991