Quantitative data related to the projection from intermediate white layer of the superior colliculus to parafascicular thalamic nucleus

  • Record number: 6028, Bregma level (mm): -5.60, Associated atlas level: 42, stained cells in intermediate white layer of the superior colliculus : 36

  • Record number: 6029, Bregma level (mm): -6.30, Associated atlas level: 45, stained cells in intermediate white layer of the superior colliculus : 54

  • Record number: 6030, Bregma level (mm): -7.30, Associated atlas level: 49, stained cells in intermediate white layer of the superior colliculus : 45

  • Record number: 6031, Bregma level (mm): -8.00, Associated atlas level: 52, stained cells in intermediate white layer of the superior colliculus : 15
