Reports of presence of AII in: BSTrh.
Physiological conditionCell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of AII in BSTrhRelative to basalAnnotationReferenceCollator
Chemical treatment: colchicinenot knownleft hemisphereexistsnot measuredAt the other end of this fiber tract [stria terminalis], cell bodies were found in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (fig. 4A, plates 10-12). Most of them lie near the fiber tract, caudal to the crossing of the anterior commissure. Collator note: at least BSTrh and BSTal appear to be at this level. Compare plate 10 with Level 21, Swanson-1998 rat brain atlas.Lind W.R., Swanson L.W. & Ganten D., 1985
Chemical treatment: everywhereleft hemispherevery strongnot measuredCollator note: Figure 9 page 14 corresponds to Swanson-1998 Atlas Level 19. The field that started in BSTad, Atlas level 16 is continued in this Level, in BSTovLind W.R., Swanson L.W. & Ganten D., 1985

 immunohistochemistry data