Reports of presence of NPY in: BSTdm.
Physiological conditionCell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of NPY in BSTdmRelative to basalAnnotationReferenceCollator
Chemical treatment: rostralleft hemispherestrongnot measuredCollator note: the results of this experiment have been mapped by the collator onto Swanson-98 parcellation scheme. The closest Atlas Level to Figure 2b is 16. The general shape of BST in Fig. 2b resembles closely that in Atlas Level 16.Chronwall, B.M., DiMaggio, D.A., Massari, V.J., Pickel, V.M., Ruggiero, D.A., O'Donohue, T.L., 1985
Chemical treatment: caudalleft hemispheremoderatenot measuredCollator note: the results of this experiment have been mapped by the collator onto Swanson-98 parcellation scheme. The closest Atlas Level to Figure 2c is 19. Overall, there are only few cells labeled with NPY, in the dorsomedial and ventromedial parts. The lateral part (where BSTov and BSTju would be), close to the internal capsule, there is no labeled cell body.Chronwall, B.M., DiMaggio, D.A., Massari, V.J., Pickel, V.M., Ruggiero, D.A., O'Donohue, T.L., 1985