Reports of presence of Oxy in: PVHmpd.
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of Oxy in PVHmpdLabeled cells countAverage labeled cellsStandard deviationAnnotationReferenceCollator
ventro-lateralleft hemispherenot assigned01839.99Page 262:...the largest number of immunoreactive cells [in the parvocellular division of PVH] was found in the medial parvocellular part. Collator note: see Table 1 page 262 and Figure 2c-f page 264.Sawchenko, P.E. & Swanson, L.W., 1982
caudo-lateralleft hemispherenot assigned790not measuredDoubly labeled cells were concentrated in the caudal parts of the parvocellular division, and were the most numerous in the medial parvocellular part. Collator note: see Table 2 page 265 and Fiigure 2a-f page 264. The number of labelled cells represents the total of cells projecting to the vagal complex and spinal cord.Sawchenko, P.E. & Swanson, L.W., 1982
motor neuroendocrine magnocellular oxytocin neuronnot specifiedunknownexists00not measuredCollator note: See Figure 4, page 18.Swanson, L.W., Sawchenko, P.E., Lind, R.W. & Rho, J.-H., 1987

 immunohistochemistry data