Reports of presence of beta GlyR in: CBX.
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of beta GlyR in CBXAnnotationReferenceCollator
molecular layer of cerebellar cortexbilaterallightCollator note: see Table 1 page 2404.Malosio M.-L. Marcheze-Puey B., Kuhse J. & Betz H., 1991
Purkinje neuroneverywherebilateralstrong...Purkinje cells and the granular cell layer were particularly heavily labelled (Figures 2D and 3C).Malosio M.-L. Marcheze-Puey B., Kuhse J. & Betz H., 1991
granule layer of cerebellumbilateralstrong...Purkinje cells and the granular cell layer were particularly heavily labelled (Figures 2D and 3C).Malosio M.-L. Marcheze-Puey B., Kuhse J. & Betz H., 1991