Reports of presence of mGluR3 in: CBX.
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of mGluR3 in CBXAnnotationReferenceCollator
Golgi neuron, bigmolecular layer of cerebellar cortexright hemispheremoderateIn the cerebellar cortex, moderately labeled, medium-sized neuronal cell bodies were scattered in the granular layer; these were considered to be Golgi cells (Figs. la, 13).Ohishi H., Shigemoto R., Nakanishi S & Mizuno N., 1993
Golgi neuron, smallmolecular layer of cerebellar cortexright hemispheremoderateIn the cerebellar cortex, moderately labeled, medium-sized neuronal cell bodies were scattered in the granular layer; these were considered to be Golgi cells (Figs. la, 13).Ohishi H., Shigemoto R., Nakanishi S & Mizuno N., 1993
stellate neurongranule layer of cerebellumright hemispherelightThe molecular layer also contained weakly labeled neuronal cell bodies, which were considered to be stellate cells (Fig. 13b). More than 90% of the stellate cells appeared to be labeled.Ohishi H., Shigemoto R., Nakanishi S & Mizuno N., 1993
Purkinje neuroneverywhereright hemispherenot presentno significant labeling was detected in Purkinje cells and granule cells (Fig. 13b).Ohishi H., Shigemoto R., Nakanishi S & Mizuno N., 1993
cerebellar granule celleverywhereright hemispherenot significant labeling was detected in Purkinje cells and granule cells (Fig. 13b).Ohishi H., Shigemoto R., Nakanishi S & Mizuno N., 1993