Reports of presence of alpha4-1 nAChR in: SUMl.
Cell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of alpha4-1 nAChR in SUMlAnnotationReferenceCollator
not specifiedbilaterallightWeak-to-moderate labeling for alpha4 was detected in parts of the paraventricular nucleus with descending projections (the "autonomic" part); the medial preoptic area, lateral part of the medial preoptic nucleus; the retrochiasmatic area; the ventromedial nucleus, the premammillary, supramammillary, tuberomammillary and lateral mammillary nuclei; and most parts of the lateral zone of the hypothalamus. Collator note: see Figure 2 page 319 and Table 2 pages 320-324. Wada, E., Wada, K., Boulter, J., Deneris, E., Heinemann, S., Patrick, J. & Swanson, L.W., 1989

 in situ hybridization data