Reports of presence of NKB in: BSTMPM.
Cell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of NKB in BSTMPMAnnotationReferenceCollator
ventralleft hemispherelight/moderateAt the level of the subfornical organ, a medium density of labeled cells was found in the ventral aspects of the medial-posterolateral, intermediate, and posteromedial divisions of the nucleus (Fig. 7K). Collator note: Fig 7K corresponds to Atlas Level 22 (bregma -0.92). All labeled cells at this level are concentrated ventrally, with a descending gradient towards the midline. BSTMPM appears lightly-moderate labeled in Fig.7K and not moderate, as its more lateral neighbour.Lucas L.R., Hurley D.L., Krause J.E. & Harlan R.E., 1992