Reports of presence of QSOX in: SNr.
Cell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of QSOX in SNrQualitative intensity per labeled cellAnnotationReferenceCollator
not knownleft hemispherestrongmoderateThe substantia nigra contained numerous intensely labeled neurons in the reticular part, while no significant labeling was observed in the compact part except in its lateral extent, where a few faintly labeled neurons were sometimes noticed.Mairet-Coello G., Tury A., Esnard-Feve A., Fellmann D., Risold P.Y. & Griffond B. , 2004
not knownleft hemispherestrongstrongThe substantia nigra contained numerous intensely labeled neurons in the reticular part, while no significant labeling was observed in the compact part except in its lateral extent, where a few faintly labeled neurons were sometimes noticed.Mairet-Coello G., Tury A., Esnard-Feve A., Fellmann D., Risold P.Y. & Griffond B. , 2004

 immunohistochemistry data