Reports of presence of QSOX in: RM.
Cell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of QSOX in RMQualitative intensity per labeled cellAnnotationReferenceCollator
not knownleft hemispherelightlight… the superior central nucleus, nucleus incertus, raphe pontis, raphe pallidus (Fig. 16D), obscurus, and magnus contained a moderate number of very intensely labeled neurons.Mairet-Coello G., Tury A., Esnard-Feve A., Fellmann D., Risold P.Y. & Griffond B. , 2004
not knownleft hemispherelightstrong… the superior central nucleus, nucleus incertus, raphe pontis, raphe pallidus (Fig. 16D), obscurus, and magnus contained a moderate number of very intensely labeled neurons.Mairet-Coello G., Tury A., Esnard-Feve A., Fellmann D., Risold P.Y. & Griffond B. , 2004
not knownleft hemispheremoderatelight… the superior central nucleus, nucleus incertus, raphe pontis, raphe pallidus (Fig. 16D), obscurus, and magnus contained a moderate number of very intensely labeled neurons.Mairet-Coello G., Tury A., Esnard-Feve A., Fellmann D., Risold P.Y. & Griffond B. , 2004
not knownleft hemispheremoderatestrong… the superior central nucleus, nucleus incertus, raphe pontis, raphe pallidus (Fig. 16D), obscurus, and magnus contained a moderate number of very intensely labeled neurons.Mairet-Coello G., Tury A., Esnard-Feve A., Fellmann D., Risold P.Y. & Griffond B. , 2004

 immunohistochemistry data