Reports of presence of GluR6 in: CBX.
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemispherePattern of appearance in CBX Qualitative density of GluR6 in CBXAnnotationReferenceCollator
cerebellar granule celleverywhereunknownuniformvery strongThe granule cells contain GluR-6 and KA-2 mRNAs (Fig. 6G,J). Collator note: see also Table 1 page 3584.Wisden W. & Seeburg P.H., 1993
Purkinje neuroneverywhereunknownuniformnot presentCellular resolution for KA-2 and GluR-6 (data not shown) reveals that Purkinje cells are not labeled with these probes above general grain background. Collator note: see also Table 1 page 3584.Wisden W. & Seeburg P.H., 1993