Reports of presence of gamma2 GABA-R in: CBX.
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of gamma2 GABA-R in CBXAnnotationReferenceCollator
Purkinje neuroneverywherebilateralstrongPurkinje cells were strongly labeled only with the alpha1 (Fig. 7), beta2 (Fig. 7), and gamma2 probe.Persohn E., Malherbe P. & Richards J.G., 1992
molecular layer of cerebellar cortexbilaterallightIn the molecular layer some cells (probably stellate cells) were labeled by the alpha1 (Fig. 7), beta2 (Fig. 7), and gamma2 probes to a moderate to weak degree.Persohn E., Malherbe P. & Richards J.G., 1992
granule layer of cerebellumbilateralmoderateCollator note: see Table 1 page 209.Persohn E., Malherbe P. & Richards J.G., 1992