Reports of presence of PKC-alpha in: CBX.
Cell typeCell type position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of PKC-alpha in CBXAnnotationReferenceCollator
molecular layer of cerebellar cortexbilateralmoderateThe antisera to PKC-a, PKC-b, and PKC-e immunolabeled the molecular layer, but the labeling of cerebellar Purkinje cells was weak.Barmack N.H, Qian Z & Yoshimura J., 2000
Purkinje neuroneverywherebilaterallightThe antisera to PKC-a, PKC-b, and PKC-e immunolabeled the molecular layer, but the labeling of cerebellar Purkinje cells was weak.Barmack N.H, Qian Z & Yoshimura J., 2000
cerebellar granule cellgranule layer of cerebellumbilateralnot presentNeither of these antisera labeled cells in the granule cell layer (Fig. 1).Barmack N.H, Qian Z & Yoshimura J., 2000