
Experiment acronym Annotation Collator Author checked
Swanson-nACHRMapping study of the nicotinic ACh receptor in the rat brain.Mihail Botano

Animals (subjects)
Sex: not specified
Number of animals: not specified
Age: not specified
Mass: not specified
Unit of mass: not specified
Housing conditions: not specified
Annotation: One-month-old white Leghorn chickens, adult Sprague-Dawley rats, and adult Balb/c mice were used in these experiments.
24, 1334
Experimental method
Experiment type: immunohistochemistry
Neuron/glia identification method: stain specific
Staining frequency: 1:2?

Experimental details:
Antigen: nAChR
Antigen species: chicken
Source (producer): not specified
Primary antibody: mAb 270
Primary antibody species: rat
Antibody type (monoclonal, polyclonal): polyclonal
Secondary antibody: not specified
Secondary antibody species: not specified
Immunoglobulin class: not specified
Control: staining pattern
Visualization method: autoradiogram
Visualization medium: slide
Annotation: mAb 270 was prepared from rats immunized with immunoaffinitypurified AChR from chicken brain. Its preparation and characterization are described in detail elsewhere (Whiting et al., 1987a).

Anatomy and histology
Section plane: coronalAngle: not specifiedCutting method: microtome Preservation: freezing Thickness: 20 micrometer
Staining type: cresyl violet Sampling: 1:2? Annotation: Cryostat sections (20 pm thick) were thaw-mounted onto slides anddesiccated at 0-40C under vacuum overnight (Herkenham and Pert, 1982).

Mapping details
Coordinates: noneData presentation:
representative labeled images
images of all labeled sections
drawings or template mappings of all sections
Mapping approach: brain region is captured in a BAMS nomenclature other than that used in the original publication