
Experiment acronym Annotation Collator Author checked
Villar-SomatostatinImmunohistochemical study of somatostatin presence in the cerebellar cortex.Mihail Botano

Animals (subjects)
Sex: M
Number of animals: not specified
Age: not specified
Mass: 150-250
Unit of mass:
Housing conditions: normal housing
Annotation: A total of 65 male, specific pathogen-free Sprague-Dawley albino rats (Anticimex AB, Stockholm, Sweden) was used.Different postnatal stages (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 21, 30 days) and adult rats (150-200 g body weigh) were studied.
14, 3483
Experimental method
Experiment type: immunohistochemistry
Neuron/glia identification method: morphology
Staining frequency: 1:2

Experimental details:
Antigen: cyclic SOM 25-28
Antigen species: synthetic
Source (producer): not specified
Primary antibody: antibody 8
Primary antibody species: mouse
Antibody type (monoclonal, polyclonal): monoclonal
Secondary antibody: anti-mouse antibody
Secondary antibody species: goat/sheep
Immunoglobulin class: not specified
Control: staining pattern
Visualization method: fluoroscein
Visualization medium: slide
Annotation: ... mouse monoclonal antibodies against synthetic cyclic somatostatin 15-28 conjugated to keyhole limpet hemocyanine (antibody 8, Buchan et al. 1985) were applied in a dilution of 30 micrograms protein/ml. .the sections were... incubated with fluoresceine isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated to goat (1:40; Boehringer Mannheim Scandinavia, Stockholm, Sweden) or sheep (1:10, Amersham, Little Chalfont, England) anti-mouse antibodies for 30 min at 37C. In addition control experiments using sections of the cerebellum at different stages of development were performed by incubation with antibodies preabsorbed with 10 micrograms SOM 15-28 peptide (Peninsula Labs, Belmont, CA, USA) per ml diluted antibody.

Anatomy and histology
Section plane: coronalAngle: not specifiedCutting method: microtome Preservation: freezing Thickness: 14 micrometer
Staining type: cresyl violet Sampling: 1:2 Annotation: The cerebellum was frozen and cut in the frontal or sagittal plane into 14 btm sections on a cryostat (Dittes, Heidelberg, FRG). Two series of adjacent sections were placed on glass slides coated with gelatin and chrom-alum. One series was stained with cresyl violet, the other was processed according to the routine indirect immunofluorescence technique of Coons and collaborators (see Coons 1958).

Mapping details
Coordinates: noneData presentation:
representative labeled images
representative drawings or mappings onto templates
Mapping approach: brain region is captured in a BAMS nomenclature other than that used in the original publication