
Experiment acronym Annotation Collator Author checked
Floris-CARTImmuhistochemical study of calretinin presence in the rat cerebellum.Mihail Botano

Animals (subjects)
Sex: M/F
Number of animals: 15
Age: not specified
Mass: 250-400
Unit of mass:
Housing conditions: normal housing
Annotation: The materials for this study are derived from 15 adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats, 250-400 g in body weight. The animals were housed in supervised animal facilities and handled according to approved guidelines.
21, 3716
Experimental method
Experiment type: immunohistochemistry
Neuron/glia identification method: morphology
Staining frequency: not specified

Experimental details:
Antigen: CART
Antigen species: not specified
Source (producer): not specified
Primary antibody: CART antiserum
Primary antibody species: not specified
Antibody type (monoclonal, polyclonal): monoclonal
Secondary antibody: not specified
Secondary antibody species: not specified
Immunoglobulin class: not specified
Control: staining pattern
Visualization method: colorimetry
Visualization medium: slide
Annotation: Some of the immunoreacted sections were postfixed for 3 min in 0.005% osmium tetroxide in water to enhance contrast. Control sections incubated with preimmune rabbit serum were completely free of immunoreaction product, as previously documented (Winsky and Jacobowitz 1991).

Anatomy and histology
Section plane: coronalAngle: not specifiedCutting method: microtome Preservation: freezing Thickness: 30 micrometer
Staining type: none Sampling: not specified Annotation: The cerebella were removed 2 h after perfusion and immersed in chilled saline with 30% sucrose until they sank, for cryoprotection. They were then sectioned at 30 micrometers on a freezing microtome in the sagittal, coronal, and horizontal planes.

Mapping details
Coordinates: noneData presentation:
representative labeled images
representative images with label and drawn boundaries
Mapping approach: brain region is captured in a BAMS nomenclature other than that used in the original publication