
Experiment acronym Annotation Collator Author checked
Watts-CRH/AVP(PEG)CRH/AVP coexpression was measured in conditions of PEG injection.Mihail Botano

Animals (subjects)
Sex: M
Number of animals: 6
Age: not specified
Mass: 280-320
Unit of mass:
Housing conditions: normal housing
Annotation: Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (280-320 g BW at injection) were maintained on a 12 hour light/ 12 hour dark photoperiod (lights on 0700 hours) with water and rat chow available ad libitum. They were allowed 7 days' acclimatization to the animal quarters before we proceeded with the experiment.
Experimental method
Experiment type: in situ hybridization
Neuron/glia identification method: stain specific
Staining frequency: 1:8

Experimental details:
Measured nucleic acid: mRNA
Source (producer): Promega Gemini
Probe sequence: cDNA AVP 1004
Sequence species: not specified
Probe sequence orientation: antisense
Control: sense
Labelling method: not specified
Visualization method: autoradiogram
Visualization medium: slide
Annotation: The pp- AVP sequence was generated from the cDNA AW 1004 described by Carrazana et al. (1988)....Additional experiments (data not given) have shown that neither RNase pretreatment followed by hybridization with antisense strand probes nor hybridization with sense strand probes gives any hybridization..

Anatomy and histology
Section plane: coronalAngle: not specifiedCutting method: microtome Preservation: freezing Thickness: 15 micrometer
Staining type: thionin Sampling: 1:8 Annotation: Eight series of 1-in-8 15-pm-thick coronal sections were cut through the hypothalamus and saved in ice-cold potassium phosphate-buffered saline (KPBS, pH 7.4) containing 0.25% paraformaldehyde....Serial sections were saved for thionin staining.

Mapping details
Coordinates: noneData presentation:
representative labeled images
representative drawings or mappings onto templates
Mapping approach: